Following API is designed to provide a complete set of tools to integrate with Intelligentreturns | |
API entry point | |
Request and response formats |
Format depends on url path. Can be JSON or XML. JSON by default.
We encourage Intelligentreturns API users to choose a JSON format. XML format is available only to support legacy software. |
Request Method | Request method must always be POST |
XML special characters |
& should be replaced by & < should be replaced by < > should be replaced by > |
Text fields length | Each text field must not exceed 255 symbols length |
Request Encoding | Must be UTF-8 |
Server Timezone | UTC |
Error code | Description |
internal | Internal server error |
request_wrong | Requested data structure is incorrect |
login_empty | 'login' POST field is empty |
api_key_empty | 'api_key' POST field is empty |
ip_blocked | Your IP was blocked due to many incorrect log in attempts |
access_denied | Incorrect 'login' or 'api_key' |
request_empty | 'request' POST field is empty |
json_invalid | Requested JSON is invalid (in the 'request' POST field) |
xml_invalid | Requested XML is invalid (in the 'request' POST field) |
unknown_call | API method does not exist |
{ "error": { "code": "access_denied", "message": [ "Access denied" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>access_denied</code> <message>Access denied</message> </error>
Key | Type | Desc |
order_reference * | string(255) | Order reference. Must be unique if "overwrite_data" flag set as FALSE. |
order_date * | string | int | mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, Unix timestamp |
currency_code * | string(3) | Currency code(3 letters) ISO_4217 |
cost_price_currency | string(3) | Currency code(3 letters) for cost_price ISO_4217 |
overwrite_data | boolean |
Boolean value. TRUE: "1" or "true". FALSE(default): omit this field, "0" or "false". Use this field as TRUE to overwrite existing order's data. If order does not exists, then new order will be created. Please note, that you can add or remove order's items using this field by providing a new items list. However, items that have already been returned cannot be removed |
rma | string(255) | Code that will allow a customer to return an item after return policy has been expired |
phone | string(255) | Phone |
string(255) | ||
export_date | int | Unix timestamp of export date. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field |
export_awb | string(255) | Export air waybill. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field |
export_carrier_name | string(255) | Exporter company. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field |
free_return | boolean |
Boolean value. TRUE: "1" or "true". FALSE(default): omit this field, "0" or "false". TRUE will set a 100% discount on return shipping cost for the customer. |
custom_fields | object | Order custom fields. You can use these fields for save additional information about item. |
Key | Type | Desc |
contact_name | string(255) | Customer full name (Person) |
company_name | string(255) | Company name |
country | string(2) | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
state | string(255) |
Please, provide a state ISO code for a following countries:
zip | string(255) | Zip/Post code |
city | string(255) | City |
suburb | string(255) | Suburb |
addr1 | string(255) | Address line 1 |
addr2 | string(255) | Address line 2 |
addr3 | string(255) | Address line 3 |
neighborhood | string(255) | Neighborhood. Available only for Mexico |
Key | Type | Desc |
field1 | string(255) | Custom field 1 |
field2 | string(255) | Custom field 2 |
field3 | string(255) | Custom field 3 |
field4 | string(255) | Custom field 4 |
field5 | string(255) | Custom field 5 |
store_name | string(255) | Shopify store name |
store_url | string(255) | Shopify store url |
order_reference | string(255) | Shopify order reference |
Key | Type | Desc |
sku_code * | string(255) | Item SKU code |
sku_desc * | string(255) | Item SKU description |
quantity * | int | Number of items sold |
price * | double | Price of 1 item |
cost_price | double | Cost price of a single item |
cost_price_currency | string(3) | Currency code(3 letters) for cost_price ISO_4217 |
weight | double | Weight of 1 item. Default value: 1 (K/L). |
weight_uom | string(1) | K / L (1 letter). Default value: K |
length | double | Length of 1 item |
width | double | Width of 1 item |
height | double | Height of 1 item |
dimensions_uom | string(2) | cm, mm, in |
country_code | string(2) | Country manufacturer code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
hs_code | string(255) | Harmonization code |
img_path | string(255) | Link to item image |
dangerous_goods | string(255) | Possible values: Yes/No |
export_date | int | Unix timestamp of export date |
export_awb | string(255) | Export air waybill |
export_carrier_name | string(255) | Exporter company |
tracking | string(255) | Item tracking number |
non_returnable | boolean | Boolean value. TRUE: "1" or "true". FALSE(default): omit this field, "0" or "false". TRUE will block an item for return. Can be NULL or empty |
non_returnable_message | string(255) | Describe why the item is non returnable. |
days_for_return | int | The days' count in which the item can be returned. If the value is 0, then the item is non-returnable. By default is unset. If non_returnable is transferred too, this property has higher priority. Return period = Average refund days from client settings + this field. |
custom_fields | object | Item custom fields. You can use these fields for save additional information about item. |
Key | Type | Desc |
field1 | string(255) | Custom field 1 |
field2 | string(255) | Custom field 2 |
field3 | string(255) | Custom field 3 |
field4 | string(255) | Custom field 4 |
field5 | string(255) | Custom field 5 |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "order": { "order_reference":"1000000000000", "order_date":"10/20/2015", "rma": "12345", "contact_name":"John Smith", "company_name":"", "addr1":"6 Semaphore Close Mount Pleasant", "addr2":"", "addr3":"", "city":"Christchurch", "zip":"8081", "state":"qwe", "country":"NZ", "phone":"+102030405060", "email":"", "currency_code":"AUD", "cost_price_currency":"USD", "export_awb":"32153454GB", "export_carrier_name":"USPS", "free_return":true, "custom_fields": { "field1": "Some additional description for this order" }, "item":[ { "sku_code":"QWE123", "sku_desc":"Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)", "quantity":"5", "price":"100", "cost_price": "13.12", "cost_price_currency":"EUR", "weight":"1", "length":"2", "width":"3", "height":"4", "dimensions_uom":"mm", "hs_code":"999999", "country_code":"GB", "img_path":"", "dangerous_goods":"Yes", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "tracking": "123456789", "non_returnable": "true", "non_returnable_message": "Body shapers are non returnable", "days_for_return": 0, "custom_fields": { "field1": "Some additional description for this item" } }, { "sku_code":"QWE456", "sku_desc":"Black Halterneck Corset", "quantity":"10", "price":"200", "cost_price": "25.12", "weight":"0.86", "length":"10", "width":"10", "height":"10", "dimensions_uom":"mm", "hs_code":"999999", "country_code":"GB", "img_path":"", "dangerous_goods":"Yes", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "tracking": "123456780", "days_for_return": 120 } ] } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<order> <order_reference>1000000000000</order_reference> <order_date>10/20/2015</order_date> <rma>12345</rma> <contact_name>John Doe</contact_name> <company_name></company_name> <addr1>6 Semaphore Close Mount Pleasant</addr1> <addr2></addr2> <addr3></addr3> <city>Christchurch</city> <zip>8081</zip> <state>qwe</state> <country>NZ</country> <phone>+102030405060</phone> <email></email> <currency_code>AUD</currency_code> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> <free_return>true</free_return> <custom_fields> <field1>Some additional description for this order</field1> </custom_fields> <item> <sku_code>QWE123</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)</sku_desc> <quantity>5</quantity> <price>100</price> <cost_price>13.12</cost_price> <weight>0.3</weight> <length>10</length> <width>10</width> <height>10</height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <country_code>CN</country_code> <hs_code>999999</hs_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>Yes</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> <tracking>123456789</tracking> <non_returnable>true</non_returnable> <days_for_return>0</days_for_return> <custom_fields> <field1>Some additional description for this order</field1> </custom_fields> </item> <item> <sku_code>QWE456</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Halterneck Corset</sku_desc> <quantity>10</quantity> <price>200</price> <cost_price>25.12</cost_price> <weight>0.86</weight> <length>10</length> <width>10</width> <height>10</height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>999999</hs_code> <country_code>GB</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>Yes</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> <tracking>123456780</tracking> <days_for_return>120</days_for_return> </item> </order> |
{ "success": { "message": "Order successfully created", "order_reference": "1000000000000", "order_id": 10000 } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <message>Order successfully created</message> <order_reference>12312355</order_reference> <order_id>10000000</order_id> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "order_incorrect", "message": [ "Incorrect order data. Check fields: quantity,price" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>order_incorrect</code> <message>Incorrect order data. Check fields: quantity,price</message> </error>
{ "error": { "code": "order_exists", "message": [ "Order reference is already exists" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>order_exists</code> <message>Order reference is already exists</message> </error>
{ "error": { "code": "json_invalid", "message": [ "JSON is not valid" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>xml_invalid</code> <message>XML is not valid</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
order_incorrect | Incorrect order data. See detailed description in error message |
item_invalid | Incorrect order item data. See detailed description in error message |
order_exists | Order with requested order_reference is already exists |
cannot_update_order | Some order items cannot be updated because they have already been returned |
cannot_create_order | Order Create method is temporary unavailable |
unable_fold_items | Items with the same sku_code, sku_desc, export_carrier_name, export_awb differ in other fields. |
Key | Type | Value |
type | enum | Can be 'id' or 'reference' |
val | string(255) | id or reference value to search |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "order": { "type":"reference", "val":"600090343" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<order> <type>reference</type> <val>600090343</val> </order> |
{ "success": { "id": "3103", "order_reference": "12312359", "order_date": "1432958400", "contact_name": "John Doe", "company_name": "", "addr1": "address line", "addr2": "", "addr3": "", "city": "some address", "zip": "20000", "state": "NY", "country": "GB", "phone": "+010557779", "email": "", "currency_code": "EUR", "cost_price_currency": "USD", "rma": "", "export_awb": "444444US", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "free_return": true, "item": [ { "sku_code": "ASD111", "sku_desc": "Black Sculpting Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)", "quantity": "5", "price": "100", "cost_price": "53.12", "cost_price_currency": "USD", "weight": "0.3", "weight_uom": "", "length": "0", "width": "0", "height": "0", "dimensions_uom": "mm", "hs_code": "5905954", "country_code": "CN", "img_path": "", "dangerous_goods":"Yes", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "non_returnable_message": "Some message" }, { "sku_code": "UN-12322;28", "sku_desc": "Black Halterneck Corset", "quantity": "10", "price": "200", "cost_price": "120.13", "cost_price_currency": "USD", "weight": "0.86", "weight_uom": "", "length": "0", "width": "0", "height": "0", "dimensions_uom": "mm", "hs_code": "4331767", "country_code": "GB", "img_path": "", "dangerous_goods":"No", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "non_returnable_message": "" } ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <id>3103</id> <order_reference>12312359</order_reference> <order_date>1432958400</order_date> <contact_name>John Doe</contact_name> <company_name></company_name> <addr1>address line</addr1> <addr2></addr2> <addr3></addr3> <city>some address</city> <zip>20000</zip> <state>NY</state> <country>GB</country> <phone>+010557779</phone> <email></email> <currency_code>EUR</currency_code> <rma></rma> <export_awb>444444US</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> <free_return>1</free_return> <item> <sku_code>ASD111</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Sculpting Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)</sku_desc> <quantity>5</quantity> <price>100</price> <cost_price>53.12</cost_price> <weight>0.3</weight> <weight_uom></weight_uom> <length>10</length> <width>10</width> <height>10</height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>5905954</hs_code> <country_code>CN</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>No</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> <non_returnable_message>Some message</non_returnable_message> </item> <item> <sku_code>UN-12322;28</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Halterneck Corset</sku_desc> <quantity>10</quantity> <price>200</price> <cost_price>120.13</cost_price> <weight>0.86</weight> <weight_uom></weight_uom> <length>10</length> <width>10</width> <height>10</height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>4331767</hs_code> <country_code>GB</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>No</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> <non_returnable_message></non_returnable_message> </item> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "order_nx", "message": [ "Order not found" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>order_nx</code> <message>Order not found</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
order_nx | Order was not found |
Key | Type | Value |
type | enum | Can be 'id' or 'reference' |
val | string(255) | id or reference value to search |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "order": { "type":"reference", "val":"600090343" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<order> <type>reference</type> <val>600090343</val> </order> |
{ "success": { "message": "Order successfully deleted" } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <message>Order successfully deleted</message> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "order_nx", "message": [ "Order not found" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>order_nx</code> <message>Order not found</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
order_nx | Order was not found |
cannot_delete_order | Some items of this order have been already returned |
Key | Type | Value |
date_from | string | int | Allowed date formats: mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, Unix timestamp |
date_to | string | int | Allowed date formats: mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, Unix timestamp |
quick_search | string(255) | Keywords divided by space. Each new keyword will narrow search results |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "filter": { "date_from":"10/15/2015", "date_to":"12/01/2015", "quick_search":"GB" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<filter> <date_from>10/15/2015</date_from> <date_to>12/01/2015</date_to> <quick_search>GB</quick_search> </filter> |
{ "success": { "id": [ "21", "25", "58", "57", "59", "42", "41", "39", "38", "37" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <id>2901</id> <id>2902</id> <id>2903</id> <id>2904</id> <id>2906</id> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "empty", "message": [ "Nothing found." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>empty</code> <message>Nothing found.</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
empty | No results found |
quick_search_temporary_unavailable | 'quick_search' option is temporary unavailable |
Key | Type | Desc |
order_reference * | string(255) | Order reference. |
Key | Type | Desc |
sku_code * | string(255) | Item SKU code |
sku_desc * | string(255) | Item SKU description |
quantity * | int | Number of items sold |
price * | double | Price of 1 item |
cost_price | double | Cost price of a single item |
weight | double | Weight of 1 item. Default value: 1 (K/L). |
weight_uom | string(1) | K / L (1 letter). Default value: K |
length | double | Length of 1 item |
width | double | Width of 1 item |
height | double | Height of 1 item |
dimensions_uom | string(2) | cm, mm, in |
country_code | string(2) | Country manufacturer code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
hs_code | string(255) | Harmonization code |
img_path | string(255) | Link to item image |
dangerous_goods | string(255) | Possible values: Yes/No |
export_date | int | Unix timestamp of export date |
export_awb | string(255) | Export air waybill |
export_carrier_name | string(255) | Exporter company |
tracking | string(255) | Item tracking number |
non_returnable | boolean | Boolean value. TRUE: "1" or "true". FALSE(default): omit this field, "0" or "false". TRUE will block an item for return. Can be NULL or empty |
non_returnable_message | string(255) | Describe why the item is non returnable. |
days_for_return | int | The days' count in which the item can be returned. If the value is 0, then the item is non-returnable. By default is unset. If non_returnable is transferred too, this property has higher priority. Return period = Average refund days from client settings + this field. |
custom_fields | object | Item custom fields. You can use these fields for save additional information about item. |
Key | Type | Desc |
field1 | string(255) | Custom field 1 |
field2 | string(255) | Custom field 2 |
field3 | string(255) | Custom field 3 |
field4 | string(255) | Custom field 4 |
field5 | string(255) | Custom field 5 |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "order": { "order_reference":"1000000000000", "item":[ { "sku_code":"QWE123", "sku_desc":"Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)", "quantity":"5", "price":"100", "cost_price": "13.12", "weight":"1", "length":"2", "width":"3", "height":"4", "dimensions_uom":"mm", "hs_code":"999999", "country_code":"GB", "img_path":"", "dangerous_goods":"Yes", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "tracking": "123456789", "non_returnable": "true", "non_returnable_message": "Body shapers are non returnable", "days_for_return": 0, "custom_fields": { "field1": "Some additional description for this item" } }, { "sku_code":"QWE456", "sku_desc":"Black Halterneck Corset", "quantity":"10", "price":"200", "cost_price": "25.12", "weight":"0.86", "length":"10", "width":"10", "height":"10", "dimensions_uom":"mm", "hs_code":"999999", "country_code":"GB", "img_path":"", "dangerous_goods":"Yes", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "tracking": "123456780", "days_for_return": 120 } ] } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<order> <order_reference>1000000000000</order_reference> <item> <sku_code>QWE123</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)</sku_desc> <quantity>5</quantity> <price>100</price> <cost_price>13.12</cost_price> <weight>0.3</weight> <length>10</length> <width>10</width> <height>10</height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <country_code>CN</country_code> <hs_code>999999</hs_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>Yes</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> <tracking>123456789</tracking> <non_returnable>true</non_returnable> <days_for_return>0</days_for_return> <custom_fields> <field1>Some additional description for this order</field1> </custom_fields> </item> <item> <sku_code>QWE456</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Halterneck Corset</sku_desc> <quantity>10</quantity> <price>200</price> <cost_price>25.12</cost_price> <weight>0.86</weight> <length>10</length> <width>10</width> <height>10</height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>999999</hs_code> <country_code>GB</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>Yes</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> <tracking>123456780</tracking> <days_for_return>120</days_for_return> </item> </order> |
{ "success": { "message": "Orders items successfully added", "order_reference": "1000000000000", "order_id": 10000 } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <message>Orders items successfully added</message> <order_reference>12312355</order_reference> <order_id>10000000</order_id> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "request_wrong", "message": [ "Request field order_reference is wrong." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>request_wrong</code> <message>Request field order_reference is wrong.</message> </error>
{ "error": { "code": "request_items_wrong", "message": [ "Request field item is wrong." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>request_items_wrong</code> <message>Request field item is wrong.</message> </error>
{ "error": { "code": "order_nx", "message": [ "Order not found." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>order_nx</code> <message>Order not found.</message> </error>
{ "error": { "code": "json_invalid", "message": [ "JSON is not valid" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>xml_invalid</code> <message>XML is not valid</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
request_wrong | Request field order_reference is wrong. |
request_items_wrong | Request field item is wrong |
order_nx | Order not found. |
cannot_add_order_items | Item to add already exists. |
Key | Type | Desc | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
order_reference * | string(255) | order reference | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
date_added | string | int | Return booking date, current time by default. Allowed date formats: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss, Unix timestamp | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
carrier | string(255) |
Deprecated. Consider to use service_id field instead |
service | string(255) |
Deprecated. Consider to use service_id field instead Shipping service type. Required is one of the following carriers was chosen:
service_id * | int | Shipping service id.
Refer to the Request for prices method to get a service_id
View list of all carrier services Please note, carrier and service fields will be ignored in case service_id is populated Either service_id or carrier must be provided |
label_format | string(255) |
Shipping label format output. Available for following carriers:
Please note, that other carriers have default label format,
provided by carrier's internal API. API error will be raised when incorrect
label format requested. Please, use this field only to specify format for
carriers listed above
tracking | string(255) |
Tracking number. Please, note! This field has to be provided if a return has been already booked/registered without using the Intelligentreturns software. In this case, return will be saved and thereafter will receive tracking updates, but the booking process will be omitted. - Otherwise, omit this field or leave it blank, then a return will registered by the Intelligentreturns software and will acquire tracking number automatically. |
currency_code * | string(3) | Currency code(3 letters) ISO_4217 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
phone | string(255) | Phone | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
email * | string(255) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
display_id | string(32) |
An additional information, which will be displayed on the shipping label (if it is possible). Max length 32 characters
Please note, that Hermes carrier limits display_id to 20 characters
external_id | string(255) | Alphanumeric value. Must be unique for each return. This field can be used in /returns/get/ method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
add_items_data_to_order | boolean |
Boolean value. TRUE: "1" or "true". FALSE(default): omit this field, "0" or "false".
export_date | int | Unix timestamp of export date. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
export_awb | string(255) | Export air waybill. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
export_carrier_name | string(255) | Exporter company. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
verification_entity | boolean | Boolean value. TRUE: "1" or "true". FALSE(default): omit this field, "0" or "false". | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dangerous_goods | string(255) | Possible values: Yes/No. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
final_disposition | string(255) | Can be 'return' or 'destroy'. Will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
collection_date | object |
Collection date is available only for home_collection service types. If not specified, then the next available working day will be chosen. collection_date fields |
collection_address | object |
Collection address is available only for home_collection service types. If not specified, then origin address will be used instead collection_address fields |
drop_off_point_id | string(255) |
Id of selected drop off point Required for following services:
special_instruction | string(255) |
Special instruction Used for following services:
booking_type | int |
Return Booking type Possible values:
sort_code | string(10) | Sort code. Alphanumeric value. Used when overlabeling the parcel on the hub. |
Key | Type | Desc |
name * | string(255) | Customer full name (Person) |
company_name | string(255) | Company name |
country * | string(255) | Customer's country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
state * | string(255) |
Please, provide a state ISO code for a following countries:
Not required for following countries:
zip * | string(255) |
Zip/Post code Not required for following countries:
city * | string(255) | City. Not mandatory for AU |
suburb | string(255) | Suburb. Mandatory for AU |
addr1 * | string(255) | Address line 1 |
addr2 | string(255) | Address line 2 |
addr3 | string(255) | Address line 3 |
street_number | string(255) | Street Number |
neighborhood | string(255) | Neighborhood. Available only for Mexico |
final_dest_name | string(255) | Final destination contact name |
final_dest_company_name | string(255) | Final destination company name |
final_dest_id | string(255) | Final destination address ID. Can be provided instead of full final destination address (fields below), in this case destination address fields will be ignored. |
final_dest_country | string(2) | Final destination country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
final_dest_state | string(255) | Final destination State |
final_dest_zip | string(255) | Final destination Zip/Post code |
final_dest_city | string(255) | Final destination City |
final_dest_suburb | string(255) | Final destination Suburb |
final_dest_addr1 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 1 |
final_dest_addr2 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 2 |
final_dest_addr3 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 3 |
final_dest_neighborhood | string(255) | Final destination neighborhood. Available only for Mexico |
Key | Type | Desc |
date | string(10) | Collection date in yyyy/mm/dd format |
time_from | string(5) | Collection "time from" in hh:mm format |
time_to | string(5) | Collection "time to" in hh:mm format |
Key | Type | Desc |
state * | string(255) |
collection address state. Not required for following countries:
zip * | string(255) | Zip/Post code |
city * | string(255) | City. Not mandatory for AU |
suburb | string(255) | Suburb. Madatory for AU |
addr1 * | string(255) | Address line 1 |
addr2 | string(255) | Address line 2 |
addr3 | string(255) | Address line 3 |
Key | Type | Desc |
sku_code * | string(255) | Item SKU code |
sku_desc * | string(255) | Item SKU description |
quantity * | int | Number of items sold |
price * | double | Price of 1 item |
cost_price | double | Cost price of a single item |
cost_price_currency | string(3) | Currency code(3 letters) for cost_price ISO_4217 |
weight | double | Weight of 1 item. Default value: 1 (K/L). |
weight_uom | string(1) | K / L (1 letter). Default value: K |
length | double | Length of 1 item |
width | double | Width of 1 item |
height | double | Height of 1 item |
dimensions_uom | string(2) | cm, mm, in |
country_code | string(2) | Country manufacturer code(2 letters) |
hs_code | string(255) | Harmonization code |
img_path | string(255) | Link to item image |
dangerous_goods | string(255) | Possible values: Yes/No |
export_date | int | Unix timestamp of export date |
export_awb | string(255) | Export air waybill |
export_carrier_name | string(255) | Exporter company |
tracking | string(255) | Item tracking number |
final_dest_name | string(255) | Final destination contact name |
final_dest_company_name | string(255) | Final destination company name |
final_dest_id | string(255) | Final destination address ID. Can be provided instead of full final destination address (fields below), in this case destination address fields will be ignored. |
final_dest_country | string(2) | Final destination country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
final_dest_state | string(255) | Final destination State |
final_dest_zip | string(255) | Final destination Zip/Post code |
final_dest_city | string(255) | Final destination City |
final_dest_suburb | string(255) | Final destination Suburb |
final_dest_addr1 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 1 |
final_dest_addr2 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 2 |
final_dest_addr3 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 3 |
final_dest_neighborhood | string(255) | Final destination neighborhood. Available only for Mexico |
verification_entity | boolean | Boolean value. TRUE: "1" or "true". FALSE(default): omit this field, "0" or "false". |
final_disposition | string(255) | Can be 'return' or 'destroy'. |
Key | Type | Desc |
action | string(255) | Can be 'Refund', 'Exchange', 'Donate', 'Recycle', 'Store Credit' or 'Other'. |
reason | string(255) | E.g. Dmaged or Not as expected |
wish | string(255) | |
additional | string(255) | |
code | string(255) |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "return": { "order_reference":"12312355", "name":"John Doe", "phone":"+010557779", "email":"", "addr1":"City Hall", "addr2":"24 Eagle Street, Room 102", "addr3":"", "city":"Albany", "zip":"12207", "state":"NY", "country":"US", "display_id":"123123123", "final_dest_id": "Default", "final_dest_addr1":"Telford Transport Solutions Ltd", "final_dest_addr2":"Stafford Park 12", "final_dest_addr3":"", "final_dest_city":"Telford", "final_dest_zip":"TF3 3BJ", "final_dest_state":"West Midlands", "final_dest_country":"UK", "carrier":"acp", "service":"ground", "item":[ { "sku_code":"ASD111", "sku_desc":"Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)", "quantity":"2", "price":"100", "cost_price":"92.01", "weight":"0.3", "length":"10", "width":"10", "height":"10", "dimensions_uom":"mm", "hs_code":"5905954", "country_code":"CN", "img_path":"", "dangerous_goods":"Yes", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "reason": [ { "action": "Refund", "reason": "Incorrect item received", "wish": "", "additional": "Wrong size received", "code": "" },{ "action": "Refund", "reason": "I don't want it any longer", "wish": "", "additional": "", "code": "" } ] },{ "sku_code":"UN-12322;28", "sku_desc":"Black Halterneck > Corset", "quantity":"10", "price":"200", "cost_price":"92.01", "weight":"0.86", "length":"10", "width":"10", "height":"10", "dimensions_uom":"mm", "hs_code":"4331767", "country_code":"GB", "img_path":"", "dangerous_goods":"No", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS" } ] } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<return> <order_reference>12312355</order_reference> <service_id>1</service_id> <phone>+010557779</phone> <email></email> <display_id>123123123</display_id> <name>John Doe</name> <country>US</country> <state>NY</state> <zip>12207</zip> <city>Albany</city> <addr1>City Hall</addr1> <addr2>24 Eagle Street, Room 102</addr2> <addr3></addr3> <final_dest_id>Default</final_dest_id> <final_dest_country>UK</final_dest_country> <final_dest_state>West Midlands</final_dest_state> <final_dest_zip>TF3 3BJ</final_dest_zip> <final_dest_city>Telford</final_dest_city> <final_dest_addr1>Telford Transport Solutions Ltd</final_dest_addr1> <final_dest_addr2>Stafford Park 12</final_dest_addr2> <final_dest_addr3></final_dest_addr3> <item> <sku_code>ASD111</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)</sku_desc> <quantity>5</quantity> <price>100</price> <cost_price>92.01</price> <weight>0.3</weight> <length>10</length> <width>10</width> <height>10</height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>5905954</hs_code> <country_code>CN</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>No</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> </item> <item> <sku_code>UN-12322;28</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Halterneck > Corset</sku_desc> <quantity>10</quantity> <price>200</price> <cost_price>92.01</price> <weight>0.86</weight> <length>10</length> <width>10</width> <height>10</height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>4331767</hs_code> <country_code>GB</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>No</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> </item> </return> |
{ "success": { "label": "base64 from pdf label file", "label_format": "pdf", "tracking": "526u8we", "first_mile_address": { "addr1": "Telford Transport Solutions Ltd", "addr2": "Stafford Park 12", "city": "Telford", "zip": "TF3 3BJ", "state": "Shropshire", "country": "GB", "additional_address": [] }, "secondary_barcode": "sec_526u8we" } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <label>base64 from pdf label file</label> <label_format>pdf</label_format> <tracking>526u8we</tracking> <first_mile_address> <addr1>BTG c/o Laser Transport</addr1> <addr2>Flosshafenstrasse 10</addr2> <city>Neuss</city> <zip>41460</zip> <state>Neuss</state> <country>DE</country> <additional_address></additional_address> </first_mile_address> <secondary_barcode>sec_526u8we</secondary_barcode> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "return_invalid", "message": [ "Field order_reference can not be empty." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>return_invalid</code> <message>Field order_reference can not be empty.</message> </error>
{ "error": { "code": "json_invalid", "message": [ "JSON is not valid" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>xml_invalid</code> <message>XML is not valid</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
currency_code_invalid | Invalid currency code |
service_nx | Requested carrier service does not exist |
carrier_nx | Requested carrier service does not exist |
service_id_empty | service_id field is empty |
label_format_is_not_available | Requested label format is not available for chosen carrier |
incorrect_label_format | Incorrect label format |
return_invalid | Return details (address, items) are invalid. See detailed description in error message |
item_empty | In case items data is required for customs |
return_items_different_from_order | Return items do not match ordered items. This error will appear only in case order data was provided |
item_invalid | Incorrect return item data. See detailed description in error message |
collection_date_format | Incorrect collection date format. |
collection_date_time_from_format | Incorrect collection date "time_from" format. |
collection_date_time_to_format | Incorrect collection date "time_to" format. |
collection_time_error | Incorrect collection time. |
collection_date_error | Incorrect collection date. |
home_collection_is_unavailable | Home collection service is unavailable for chosen carrier. |
account_setup_required | Current API user don't have required privileges to book a return on the provided address. |
drop_off_point_not_found | Selected drop-off point was not found. |
no_shipping_services_available | No services found. This error may occur if shipping services were not configured for your account. |
shipping_method_unavailable | Chosen carrier service is temporary unavailable. |
external_api_error | External API have responded with an error. See details in error message. |
address_incorrect | Sender address is incorrect. |
enter_valid_email | Sender email is incorrect. |
enter_valid_phone | Sender phone is incorrect. |
zip_incorrect | Sender zip code is incorrect. |
state_incorrect | Sender state code is incorrect. |
order_reference_error | Order reference is incorrect. |
item_can_not_be_returned | Item can not be returned. See detailed description in error message. |
Key | Type | Value |
tracking | string(255) | Tracking code |
date_from | string | int | Allowed date formats: mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, Unix timestamp |
date_to | string | int | Allowed date formats: mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, Unix timestamp |
quick_search | string(255) | Keywords divided by space. Each new keyword will narrow search results |
order_reference | string(255) | Order reference |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "filter": { "tracking": "", "date_from":"10/15/2015", "date_to":"12/01/2015" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<filter> <tracking></tracking> <date_from>10/15/2015</date_from> <date_to>12/01/2015</date_to> </filter> |
{ "success": { "id": [ "2901", "2902", "2903", "2904", "2906" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <id>2901</id> <id>2902</id> <id>2903</id> <id>2904</id> <id>2906</id> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "empty", "message": [ "Nothing found." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>empty</code> <message>Nothing found.</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
quick_search_temporary_unavailable | 'quick_search' option is temporary unavailable |
temporary_unavailable | Search method is temporary unavailable |
empty | No results found |
Key | Type | Value |
id * | string(255) | Search will be performed using this value |
type | string(255) |
Indicates which field to search by.
If the "type" field is ignored, then a search will be performed by "id",
"order_reference", "external_id" fields at once and the earliest created record will be returned
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "return": { "id":"2901" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<return> <id>2901</id> </return> |
Key | Value |
id | ID of return |
order_reference | Order reference |
date_added | Unix timestamp of date when return was created. |
phone | Customer's phone |
Customer's email | |
display_id | An additional information, which will be displayed on the shipping label (if it is possible). Order reference as default. |
tracking | Tracking code |
tracking_last_update | Unix timestamp of date when tracking status was updated. |
current_tracking_status | Digital code of current tracking status. |
carrier | Carrier name |
label | Base64 from pdf file with label |
item | Items of return. Can be empty. |
verification_entity | Boolean value. 1: true. 0: false |
barcode_number | Secondary barcode number. |
custom_fields | Return custom fields. |
Key | Desc |
name | Customer full name (Person) |
company_name | Company name |
country | Customer's country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
state | Customer's state |
zip | Zip/Post code |
city | City |
suburb | Suburb |
addr1 | Address line 1 |
addr2 | Address line 2 |
addr3 | Address line 3 |
neighborhood | Neighborhood. Available only for Mexico |
final_dest_name | Final destination contact name |
final_dest_company_name | Final destination company name |
final_dest_id | Final destination address ID. Can be provided instead of full final destination address (fields below), in this case destination address fields will be ignored. |
final_dest_country | Final destination country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
final_dest_state | Final destination State |
final_dest_zip | Final destination Zip/Post code |
final_dest_city | Final destination City |
final_dest_suburb | Final destination Suburb |
final_dest_addr1 | Final destination Address line 1 |
final_dest_addr2 | Final destination Address line 2 |
final_dest_addr3 | Final destination Address line 3 |
final_dest_neighborhood | Final destination neighborhood. Available only for Mexico |
Key | Desc |
sku_code | Item SKU code |
sku_desc | Item SKU description |
quantity | Number of items sold |
price | Price of 1 item |
cost_price | Cost price of a single item |
cost_price_currency | Currency code(3 letters) for cost_price ISO_4217 |
weight | Weight of 1 item. Default value: 1 (K/L). |
weight_uom | K / L (1 letter). Default value: K |
length | Length of 1 item |
width | Width of 1 item |
height | Height of 1 item |
dimensions_uom | cm, mm, in |
country_code | Country manufacturer code(2 letters) |
hs_code | Harmonization code |
img_path | Link to item image |
dangerous_goods | Possible values: Yes/No |
tracking | Tracking number for item |
reason | Reasons for item |
reason/action | Action |
reason/reason | Reason of return |
reason/wish | Wish |
reason/additional | Additional information |
reason/additional/title | Title of information |
reason/additional/value | value of information |
export_date | Export date |
export_awb | Export air waybill |
export_carrier_name | Exporter company |
final_dest_name | Final destination contact name |
final_dest_company_name | Final destination company name |
final_dest_id | Final destination address ID. Can be provided instead of full final destination address (fields below), in this case destination address fields will be ignored. |
final_dest_country | Final destination country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
final_dest_state | Final destination State |
final_dest_zip | Final destination Zip/Post code |
final_dest_city | Final destination City |
final_dest_suburb | Final destination Suburb |
final_dest_addr1 | Final destination Address line 1 |
final_dest_addr2 | Final destination Address line 2 |
final_dest_addr3 | Final destination Address line 3 |
final_dest_neighborhood | Final destination neighborhood. Available only for Mexico |
verification_entity | Boolean value. 1: true. 0: false |
final_disposition | Can be 'return' or 'destroy'. |
custom_fields | Item custom fields. |
Key | Desc |
field1 | Custom field 1 |
field2 | Custom field 2 |
field3 | Custom field 3 |
field4 | Custom field 4 |
field5 | Custom field 5 |
Key | Desc |
field1 | Custom field 1 |
field2 | Custom field 2 |
field3 | Custom field 3 |
field4 | Custom field 4 |
field5 | Custom field 5 |
{ "success": { "id": "111495", "order_reference": "12312355", "date_added": "1465397894", "name": "John Doe", "zip": "12207", "email": "", "addr1": "City Hall", "addr2": "24 Eagle Street, Room 102", "addr3": "", "city": "Albany", "state": "NY", "country": "US", "phone": "+010557779", "tracking": "9202490112676104136413", "tracking_last_update": "1465397894", "current_tracking_status": "10", "final_dest_id": "Default", "final_dest_addr1": "Telford Transport Solutions Ltd", "final_dest_addr2": "Stafford Park 12", "final_dest_addr3": "", "final_dest_city": "Telford", "final_dest_zip": "TF3 3BJ", "final_dest_state": "West Midlands", "final_dest_country": "UK", "verification_entity": 0, "item": [ { "sku_code": "ASD111", "sku_desc": "Black Sculpting Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)", "quantity": "3", "price": "100", "cost_price": "13.12", "weight": "0.3", "weight_uom": "", "length": "", "width": "", "height": "", "dimensions_uom": "mm", "hs_code": "5905954", "country_code": "CN", "img_path": "", "dangerous_goods":"No", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "final_dest_name": "", "final_dest_company_name": "", "final_dest_id": "", "final_dest_country":"", "final_dest_state":"", "final_dest_zip":"", "final_dest_city":"", "final_dest_addr1":"", "final_dest_addr2":"", "final_dest_addr3":"", "final_dest_neighborhood":"", "verification_entity": 0, "final_disposition": "", "reason": [ { "action": "Exchange", "reason": "Too small", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "New size", "value": "L" } }, { "action": "Refund", "reason": "Faulty", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "", "value": "" } }, { "action": "Donate", "reason": "Not useful", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "", "value": "" } } ], "custom_fields": { "field1": "size XXL", "field3": "color GREEN", } }, { "sku_code": "UN-12322;28", "sku_desc": "Black Halterneck Corset", "quantity": "2", "price": "200", "weight": "0.86", "weight_uom": "", "length": "", "width": "", "height": "", "dimensions_uom": "mm", "hs_code": "4331767", "country_code": "GB", "img_path": "", "dangerous_goods":"No", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "final_dest_name": "", "final_dest_company_name": "", "final_dest_id": "", "final_dest_country":"", "final_dest_state":"", "final_dest_zip":"", "final_dest_city":"", "final_dest_addr1":"", "final_dest_addr2":"", "final_dest_addr3":"", "final_dest_neighborhood":"", "verification_entity": 0, "final_disposition": "", "reason": [ { "action": "Exchange", "reason": "Too small", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "New size", "value": "L" } }, { "action": "Recycle", "reason": "Broken", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "", "value": "" } } ], "custom_fields": { "field1": "size 38", "field2": "season winter", } } ], "carrier": "ACP", "label": "base64 code from label", "custom_fields": { "field1": "test order", "field3": "total sail", } } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <id>1227433</id> <order_reference>592edd0ef033e</order_reference> <date_added>1496243473</date_added> <name>John Doe</name> <company_name></company_name> <zip>12207</zip> <email></email> <addr1>City Hall</addr1> <addr2>24 Eagle Street, Room 102</addr2> <addr3>Address line 3</addr3> <city>Albany</city> <state>NY</state> <country>US</country> <phone>+010557779</phone> <display_id>test display_id</display_id> <external_id></external_id> <final_dest_addr1>test final_dest_addr1</final_dest_addr1> <final_dest_addr2>test final_dest_addr2</final_dest_addr2> <final_dest_addr3>test final_dest_addr3</final_dest_addr3> <final_dest_city>test final_dest_city</final_dest_city> <final_dest_country>US</final_dest_country> <final_dest_state>test final_dest_state</final_dest_state> <final_dest_zip>test final_dest_zip</final_dest_zip> <final_dest_name></final_dest_name> <final_dest_company_name></final_dest_company_name> <final_dest_id></final_dest_id> <tracking>9202490112676107421264</tracking> <tracking_last_update>1496243476</tracking_last_update> <current_tracking_status>10</current_tracking_status> <verification_entity>0</verification_entity> <item> <sku_code>ASD111</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)</sku_desc> <quantity>1</quantity> <price>100</price> <weight>0.3</weight> <weight_uom></weight_uom> <length></length> <width></width> <height></height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>5905954</hs_code> <country_code>CN</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>yes</dangerous_goods> <tracking></tracking> <export_date></export_date> <export_awb></export_awb> <export_carrier_name></export_carrier_name> <final_dest_name>final_dest_name-585022238</final_dest_name> <final_dest_company_name>final_dest_company_name-545265771</final_dest_company_name> <final_dest_id>final_dest_id-1404626025</final_dest_id> <final_dest_country>GB</final_dest_country> <final_dest_state>final_dest_state-1609489232</final_dest_state> <final_dest_zip>final_dest_zip-449086755</final_dest_zip> <final_dest_city>final_dest_city-39385187</final_dest_city> <final_dest_addr1>final_dest_add1-412216264</final_dest_addr1> <final_dest_addr2>final_dest_add2-565416059</final_dest_addr2> <final_dest_addr3>final_dest_add3-213443</final_dest_addr3> <final_dest_neighborhood>final_dest_neighborhood-438927438</final_dest_neighborhood> <verification_entity></verification_entity> <final_disposition>return</final_disposition> <reason> <action></action> <reason></reason> <wish></wish> <additional> <title></title> <value></value> </additional> </reason> <custom_fields> <field1>QWERTY</field1> <field2>2344-43</field2> </custom_fields> </item> <item> <sku_code>UN-12322;28</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Halterneck > Corset</sku_desc> <quantity>1</quantity> <price>200</price> <weight>0.86</weight> <weight_uom></weight_uom> <length></length> <width></width> <height></height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>4331767</hs_code> <country_code>GB</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>no</dangerous_goods> <tracking></tracking> <export_date></export_date> <export_awb></export_awb> <export_carrier_name></export_carrier_name> <final_dest_name>final_dest_name-1105732117</final_dest_name> <final_dest_company_name>final_dest_company_name-397946632</final_dest_company_name> <final_dest_id>final_dest_id-1065831170</final_dest_id> <final_dest_country>UA</final_dest_country> <final_dest_state>final_dest_state-1311145863</final_dest_state> <final_dest_zip>final_dest_zip-1975861483</final_dest_zip> <final_dest_city>final_dest_city-1167678823</final_dest_city> <final_dest_addr1>final_dest_addr1-359905225</final_dest_addr1> <final_dest_addr2>final_dest_addr2-1327024868</final_dest_addr2> <final_dest_addr3>final_dest_addr3-311700808</final_dest_addr3> <final_dest_neighborhood>final_dest_neighborhood-1967127881</final_dest_neighborhood> <verification_entity></verification_entity> <final_disposition>destroy</final_disposition> <reason> <action></action> <reason></reason> <wish></wish> <additional> <title></title> <value></value> </additional> </reason> </item> <carrier>ACP</carrier> <label>base64 code from label</label> <custom_fields> <field1>test order</field1> <field3>field #3</field3> </custom_fields> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "return_nx", "message": [ "Return not found" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>return_nx</code> <message>Return not found</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
id_empty | Field 'id' is required |
incorrect_type | Field 'type' has incorrect value |
return_nx | Return was not found |
Key | Type | Value |
order_reference | string(255) | Order reference |
date_from | string | int | Allowed date formats: mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, Unix timestamp |
date_to | string | int | Allowed date formats: mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, Unix timestamp |
quick_search | string(255) | Keywords divided by space. Each new keyword will narrow search results |
status | int |
Digital code for status of return. Available values:
current_tracking_status | int | Digital code of current tracking status. |
virtual_tracking_status | int | Digital code of current virtual tracking status. |
carrier | string(255) | Carrier name. Deprecated. Consider to use a "service_id" filter instead, in order to get more accurate results. |
service_id | int |
Service id View list of all carrier services |
country | string(2) | Customer's country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
id_last | int | Last ID from previous request. |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "filter": { "date_from":"10/15/2015", "date_to":"12/01/2015" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<filter> <date_from>10/15/2015</date_from> <date_to>12/01/2015</date_to> </filter> |
Key | Value |
total | The number of records that meet the filter. |
return |
Data of returns. Description for fields of return you can see in Get return method. * This method don't return label field. |
{ "success": { "total": "2", "return": [ { "id": "111495", "order_reference": "12312355", "date_added": "1465397894", "name": "John Doe", "zip": "12207", "email": "", "addr1": "City Hall", "addr2": "24 Eagle Street, Room 102", "addr3": "", "city": "Albany", "state": "NY", "country": "US", "phone": "+010557779", "tracking": "9202490112676104136413", "tracking_last_update": "1465397894", "current_tracking_status": "10", "verification_entity": 0, "item": [ { "sku_code": "ASD111", "sku_desc": "Black Sculpting Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)", "quantity": "3", "price": "100", "weight": "0.3", "weight_uom": "", "length": "", "width": "", "height": "", "dimensions_uom": "mm", "hs_code": "5905954", "country_code": "CN", "img_path": "", "dangerous_goods":"No", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "final_dest_name": "", "final_dest_company_name": "", "final_dest_id": "", "final_dest_country":"", "final_dest_state":"", "final_dest_zip":"", "final_dest_city":"", "final_dest_addr1":"", "final_dest_addr2":"", "final_dest_addr3":"", "final_dest_neighborhood":"", "verification_entity": 0, "final_disposition": "", "reason": [ { "action": "Exchange", "reason": "Too small", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "New size", "value": "L" } }, { "action": "Refund", "reason": "Faulty", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "", "value": "" } }, { "action": "Donate", "reason": "Not useful", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "", "value": "" } } ] }, { "sku_code": "UN-12322;28", "sku_desc": "Black Halterneck Corset", "quantity": "2", "price": "200", "weight": "0.86", "weight_uom": "", "length": "", "width": "", "height": "", "dimensions_uom": "mm", "hs_code": "4331767", "country_code": "GB", "img_path": "", "dangerous_goods":"No", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "final_dest_name": "", "final_dest_company_name": "", "final_dest_id": "", "final_dest_country":"", "final_dest_state":"", "final_dest_zip":"", "final_dest_city":"", "final_dest_addr1":"", "final_dest_addr2":"", "final_dest_addr3":"", "final_dest_neighborhood":"", "verification_entity": 0, "final_disposition": "", "reason": [ { "action": "Exchange", "reason": "Too small", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "New size", "value": "L" } }, { "action": "Recycle", "reason": "Broken", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "", "value": "" } }, ] } ], "carrier": "ACP" }, { "id": "111494", "order_reference": "12312355", "date_added": "1465397745", "name": "John Doe", "zip": "12207", "email": "", "addr1": "City Hall", "addr2": "24 Eagle Street, Room 102", "city": "Albany", "state": "NY", "country": "US", "phone": "+010557779", "tracking": "9202490112676104136369", "tracking_last_update": "1465397745", "current_tracking_status": "10", "verification_entity": 0, "item": [ { "sku_code": "ASD111", "sku_desc": "Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)", "quantity": "3", "price": "100", "weight": "0.3", "weight_uom": "", "length": "", "width": "", "height": "", "dimensions_uom": "mm", "hs_code": "5905954", "country_code": "CN", "img_path": "", "dangerous_goods":"No", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "final_dest_name": "", "final_dest_company_name": "", "final_dest_id": "", "final_dest_country":"", "final_dest_state":"", "final_dest_zip":"", "final_dest_city":"", "final_dest_addr1":"", "final_dest_addr2":"", "final_dest_addr3":"", "final_dest_neighborhood":"", "verification_entity": 0, "final_disposition": "", "reason": [ { "action": "Exchange", "reason": "Too small", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "New size", "value": "L" } }, { "action": "Refund", "reason": "Faulty", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "", "value": "" } }, { "action": "Donate", "reason": "Not useful", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "", "value": "" } } ] }, { "sku_code": "UN-12322;28", "sku_desc": "Black Halterneck > Corset", "quantity": "2", "price": "200", "weight": "0.86", "weight_uom": "", "length": "", "width": "", "height": "", "dimensions_uom": "mm", "hs_code": "4331767", "country_code": "GB", "img_path": "", "dangerous_goods":"No", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS", "final_dest_name": "", "final_dest_company_name": "", "final_dest_id": "", "final_dest_country":"", "final_dest_state":"", "final_dest_zip":"", "final_dest_city":"", "final_dest_addr1":"", "final_dest_addr2":"", "final_dest_addr3":"", "final_dest_neighborhood":"", "verification_entity": 0, "final_disposition": "", "reason": [ { "action": "Exchange", "reason": "Too small", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "New size", "value": "L" } }, { "action": "Recycle", "reason": "Broken", "wish": "", "additional": { "title": "", "value": "" } }, ] } ], "carrier": "ACP" } ] } }
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<dangerous_goods>No</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> <final_dest_name></final_dest_name> <final_dest_company_name></final_dest_company_name> <final_dest_id></final_dest_id> <final_dest_country></final_dest_country> <final_dest_state></final_dest_state> <final_dest_zip></final_dest_zip> <final_dest_city></final_dest_city> <final_dest_addr1></final_dest_addr1> <final_dest_addr2></final_dest_addr2> <final_dest_addr3></final_dest_addr3> <final_dest_neighborhood></final_dest_neighborhood> <verification_entity>0</verification_entity> <final_disposition></final_disposition> <reason> <action>Exchange</action> <reason>Too small</reason> <wish></wish> <additional> <title>New size</title> <value>L</value> </additional> </reason> <reason> <action>Recycle</action> <reason>Broken</reason> <wish></wish> <additional> <title></title> <value></value> </additional> </reason> </item> <carrier>DHL</carrier> </return> <return> <id>813252</id> <order_reference>250483484</order_reference> <date_added>1487634904</date_added> <name>Dominika Stasiak</name> <company_name></company_name> <zip>62-800</zip> <email></email> <addr1>Legionow 24-26/27</addr1> <addr2></addr2> <addr3></addr3> <city>Kalisz</city> <state>Wielkopolska</state> <country>PL</country> <phone>0048514100805</phone> <display_id>250483484</display_id> <external_id></external_id> <final_dest_addr1></final_dest_addr1> <final_dest_addr2></final_dest_addr2> <final_dest_addr3></final_dest_addr3> <final_dest_city></final_dest_city> <final_dest_country></final_dest_country> <final_dest_state></final_dest_state> <final_dest_zip></final_dest_zip> <final_dest_name></final_dest_name> <final_dest_company_name></final_dest_company_name> <final_dest_id></final_dest_id> <tracking>514500212847</tracking> <tracking_last_update>1488412800</tracking_last_update> <current_tracking_status>60</current_tracking_status> <verification_entity>0</verification_entity> <item> <sku_code>ASD111</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)</sku_desc> <quantity>3</quantity> <price>100</price> <weight>0.3</weight> <weight_uom></weight_uom> <length></length> <width></width> <height></height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>5905954</hs_code> <country_code>CN</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>No</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> <final_dest_name></final_dest_name> <final_dest_company_name></final_dest_company_name> <final_dest_id></final_dest_id> <final_dest_country></final_dest_country> <final_dest_state></final_dest_state> <final_dest_zip></final_dest_zip> <final_dest_city></final_dest_city> <final_dest_addr1></final_dest_addr1> <final_dest_addr2></final_dest_addr2> <final_dest_addr3></final_dest_addr3> <final_dest_neighborhood></final_dest_neighborhood> <verification_entity>0</verification_entity> <final_disposition></final_disposition> <reason> <action>Exchange</action> <reason>Too small</reason> <wish></wish> <additional> <title>New size</title> <value>L</value> </additional> </reason> <reason> <action>Refund</action> <reason>Faulty</reason> <wish></wish> <additional> <title></title> <value></value> </additional> </reason> <reason> <action>Donate</action> <reason>No useful</reason> <wish></wish> <additional> <title></title> <value></value> </additional> </reason> </item> <item> <sku_code>UN-12322;28</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Halterneck > Corset</sku_desc> <quantity>2</quantity> <price>200</price> <weight>0.86</weight> <weight_uom></weight_uom> <length></length> <width></width> <height></height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>4331767</hs_code> <country_code>GB</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>No</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> <final_dest_name></final_dest_name> <final_dest_company_name></final_dest_company_name> <final_dest_id></final_dest_id> <final_dest_country></final_dest_country> <final_dest_state></final_dest_state> <final_dest_zip></final_dest_zip> <final_dest_city></final_dest_city> <final_dest_addr1></final_dest_addr1> <final_dest_addr2></final_dest_addr2> <final_dest_addr3></final_dest_addr3> <final_dest_neighborhood></final_dest_neighborhood> <verification_entity>0</verification_entity> <final_disposition></final_disposition> <reason> <action>Exchange</action> <reason>Too small</reason> <wish></wish> <additional> <title>New size</title> <value>L</value> </additional> </reason> <reason> <action>Recycle</action> <reason>Broken</reason> <wish></wish> <additional> <title></title> <value></value> </additional> </reason> </item> <carrier>DHL</carrier> </return> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "return_nx", "message": [ "Return not found" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>return_nx</code> <message>Return not found</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
quick_search_temporary_unavailable | 'quick_search' option is temporary unavailable |
temporary_unavailable | Search method is temporary unavailable |
return_nx | No results found |
Key | Type | Desc |
order_reference | string(255) | Order reference |
date_added | string | int | Return booking date, current time by default. Allowed date formats: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss, Unix timestamp |
tracking | string(255) |
Tracking number. Please, note! This field has to be provided if a return has been already booked/registered without using the Intelligentreturns software. In this case, return will be saved and thereafter will receive tracking updates, but the booking process will be omitted. - Otherwise, omit this field or leave it blank, then a return will registered by the Intelligentreturns software and will acquire tracking number automatically. |
currency_code | string(3) | Currency code(3 letters) ISO_4217. This indicates a currency in which the original order was placed. |
phone | string(255) | Phone |
string(255) | ||
display_id | string(32) |
An additional information, which will be displayed on the shipping label (if it is possible). Max length 32 characters
Please note, that Hermes carrier limits display_id to 20 characters
external_id | string(255) | Alphanumeric value. Must be unique for each return. This field can be used in /returns/get/ method |
add_items_data_to_order | boolean |
Boolean value. TRUE: "1" or "true". FALSE(default): omit this field, "0" or "false".
Please, refer to the Create return section for detailed description. |
export_date | int | Unix timestamp of export date. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field |
export_awb | string(255) | Export air waybill. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field |
export_carrier_name | string(255) | Exporter company. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field |
verification_entity | boolean | Boolean value. TRUE: "1" or "true". FALSE(default): omit this field, "0" or "false". |
dangerous_goods | string(255) | Possible values: Yes/No. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field |
final_disposition | string(255) | Can be 'return' or 'destroy'. Default value, will be applied to all items, if not specified in corresponding item field |
collection_address | object |
Collection address is available only for home_collection service types. If not specified, then origin address will be used instead collection_address fields |
Key | Type | Desc |
name | string(255) | Customer full name (Person) |
company_name | string(255) | Company name |
country * | string(2) | Customer's country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
state * | string(255) |
Please, provide a state ISO code for a following countries:
Not required for following countries:
zip * | string(255) |
Zip/Post code Not required for following countries:
city * | string(255) | City. Not mandatory for AU |
suburb | string(255) | Suburb. Mandatory for AU |
addr1 * | string(255) | Address line 1 |
addr2 | string(255) | Address line 2 |
addr3 | string(255) | Address line 3 |
neighborhood | string(255) | Neighborhood. Available only for Mexico |
lat and lng fields can be provided instead of required address fields: country, city(suburb for AU), state, zip, addr1.
Address fields have a priority over coordinates(lat, lng) in case both are provided. Either of the following sets must be provided:
lat | double | Latitude. Required if address was not provided |
lng | double | Longitude. Required if address was not provided |
final_dest_name | string(255) | Final destination contact name |
final_dest_company_name | string(255) | Final destination company name |
final_dest_id | int | Final destination address ID. Can be provided instead of full final destination address (fields below), in this case destination address fields will be ignored. |
final_dest_country | string(2) | Final destination country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
final_dest_state | string(255) | Final destination State |
final_dest_zip | string(255) | Final destination Zip/Post code |
final_dest_city | string(255) | Final destination City |
final_dest_suburb | string(255) | Final destination Suburb |
final_dest_addr1 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 1 |
final_dest_addr2 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 2 |
final_dest_addr3 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 3 |
final_dest_neighborhood | string(255) | Final destination neighborhood. Available only for Mexico |
Key | Type | Desc |
sku_code * | string(255) | Item SKU code |
sku_desc * | string(255) | Item SKU description |
quantity * | int | Number of items sold |
price * | double | Price of 1 item |
weight | double | Weight of 1 item. Default value: 1 (K/L). |
weight_uom | string(1) | K / L (1 letter). Default value: K |
length | double | Length of 1 item |
width | double | Width of 1 item |
height | double | Height of 1 item |
dimensions_uom | string(2) | cm, mm, in |
country_code | string(2) | Country manufacturer code(2 letters) |
hs_code | string(255) | Harmonization code |
img_path | string(255) | Link to item image |
dangerous_goods | string(255) | Possible values: Yes/No |
export_date | int | Unix timestamp of export date |
export_awb | string(255) | Export air waybill |
export_carrier_name | string(255) | Exporter company |
final_dest_name | string(255) | Final destination contact name |
final_dest_company_name | string(255) | Final destination company name |
final_dest_id | int | Final destination address ID. Can be provided instead of full final destination address (fields below), in this case destination address fields will be ignored. |
final_dest_country | string(2) | Final destination country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
final_dest_state | string(255) | Final destination State |
final_dest_zip | string(255) | Final destination Zip/Post code |
final_dest_city | string(255) | Final destination City |
final_dest_suburb | string(255) | Final destination Suburb |
final_dest_addr1 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 1 |
final_dest_addr2 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 2 |
final_dest_addr3 | string(255) | Final destination Address line 3 |
final_dest_neighborhood | string(255) | Final destination neighborhood. Available only for Mexico |
verification_entity | boolean | Boolean value. TRUE: "1" or "true". FALSE(default): omit this field, "0" or "false". |
final_disposition | string(255) | Can be 'return' or 'destroy'. |
Key | Type | Desc |
state * | string(255) |
Collection address state. Not required for following countries:
zip * | string(255) | Zip/Post code |
city * | string(255) | City. Not mandatory for AU |
suburb | string(255) | Suburb. Mandatory for AU |
addr1 * | string(255) | Address line 1 |
addr2 | string(255) | Address line 2 |
addr3 | string(255) | Address line 3 |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "return": { "order_reference":"12312355", "name":"John Doe", "phone":"+010557779", "email":"", "addr1":"City Hall", "addr2":"24 Eagle Street, Room 102", "addr3":"", "city":"Albany", "zip":"12207", "state":"NY", "country":"US", "final_dest_id": "Default", "final_dest_addr1":"Telford Transport Solutions Ltd", "final_dest_addr2":"Stafford Park 12", "final_dest_addr3":"", "final_dest_city":"Telford", "final_dest_zip":"TF3 3BJ", "final_dest_state":"West Midlands", "final_dest_country":"UK", "currency_code":"USD", "item":[ { "sku_code":"ASD111", "sku_desc":"Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)", "quantity":"5", "price":"100", "weight":"0.3", "length":"10", "width":"10", "height":"10", "dimensions_uom":"mm", "hs_code":"5905954", "country_code":"CN", "img_path":"", "dangerous_goods":"No", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS" },{ "sku_code":"UN-12322;28", "sku_desc":"Black Halterneck > Corset", "quantity":"10", "price":"200", "weight":"0.86", "length":"10", "width":"10", "height":"10", "dimensions_uom":"mm", "hs_code":"4331767", "country_code":"GB", "img_path":"", "dangerous_goods":"Yes", "export_date": "946677600", "export_awb": "32153454GB", "export_carrier_name": "USPS" } ] } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<return> <order_reference>12312355</order_reference> <currency_code>USD</currency_code> <phone>+010557779</phone> <email></email> <name>John Doe</name> <country>US</country> <state>NY</state> <zip>12207</zip> <city>Albany</city> <addr1>City Hall</addr1> <addr2>24 Eagle Street, Room 102</addr2> <addr3></addr3> <final_dest_id>Default</final_dest_id> <final_dest_country>UK</final_dest_country> <final_dest_state>West Midlands</final_dest_state> <final_dest_zip>TF3 3BJ</final_dest_zip> <final_dest_city>Telford</final_dest_city> <final_dest_addr1>Telford Transport Solutions Ltd</final_dest_addr1> <final_dest_addr2>Stafford Park 12</final_dest_addr2> <final_dest_addr3></final_dest_addr3> <item> <sku_code>ASD111</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)</sku_desc> <quantity>5</quantity> <price>100</price> <weight>0.3</weight> <length>10</length> <width>10</width> <height>10</height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>5905954</hs_code> <country_code>CN</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>Yes</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> </item> <item> <sku_code>UN-12322;28</sku_code> <sku_desc>Black Halterneck > Corset</sku_desc> <quantity>10</quantity> <price>200</price> <weight>0.86</weight> <length>10</length> <width>10</width> <height>10</height> <dimensions_uom>mm</dimensions_uom> <hs_code>4331767</hs_code> <country_code>GB</country_code> <img_path></img_path> <dangerous_goods>No</dangerous_goods> <export_date>946677600</export_date> <export_awb>32153454GB</export_awb> <export_carrier_name>USPS</export_carrier_name> </item> </return> |
Key | Type | Value |
carrier | string(255) | Carrier Name |
service | string(255) | Service type |
service_id | int | Service ID |
type | string(255) | Service type |
description | string(65535) | Service description |
max_weight | string(65535) | Max wetight description. |
max_dim | string(65535) | Max dimensions description |
avg_delivery_info | string(65535) | Delivery Info |
first_mile_price | string(255) | First mile price with currency. |
parcel_processing_price | string(255) | Parcel processing price with currency. |
final_mile_price | string(255) | Final mile price with currency. |
customs_price | string(255) | Customs price with currency. |
government_duty_price | string(255) | Government duty price with currency. |
collection_dates | array of object | boolean | Array of nearest collection dates. Available only for home collection services. False if unavailable. |
label_format | string(255) | Label format. (png/pdf/none) |
Key | Type | Value |
date | string(10) | Collection date in yyyy/mm/dd format. |
time_from | string(5) | boolean | Collection "time from" in hh:mm format. False if unavailable. |
time_to | string(5) | boolean | Collection "time to" in hh:mm format. False if unavailable. |
minimum_interval | int | boolean | Minimum interval between time from and time to in hours. False if unavailable. |
{ "success": { "result": [ { "carrier": "asm", "service": "home_collection", "service_id": 16, "service_name": "Home Collection", "type": "home_collection", "description": "Your parcel will be collected from your preferred location on a date convenient for you.", "max_weight": "2kg", "max_dim": "L < 220cm", "avg_delivery_info": "10 days", "first_mile_price": "8.76 USD", "parcel_processing_price": "0 USD", "final_mile_price": "4.33 USD", "customs_price": "0 USD", "government_duty_price": "0 USD", "collection_dates": [ { "date": "2017/05/05", "time_from": "08:00", "time_to": "19:00", "minimum_interval": 2 }, { "date": "2017/05/06", "time_from": "08:00", "time_to": "19:00", "minimum_interval": 2 }, { "date": "2017/05/08", "time_from": "08:00", "time_to": "19:00", "minimum_interval": 2 }, { "date": "2017/05/09", "time_from": "08:00", "time_to": "19:00", "minimum_interval": 2 } ], "label_format": "pdf" } ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <result> <carrier>ams</carrier> <service>home_collection</service> <service_id>16</service_id> <service_name>Home Collection</service_name> <type>home_collection</type> <description>Your parcel will be collected from your preferred location on a date convenient for you.</description> <max_weight>25kg</max_weight> <max_dim>L < 220cm</max_dim> <avg_delivery_info>10 days</avg_delivery_info> <first_mile_price>8.76 USD</first_mile_price> <parcel_processing_price>0 USD</parcel_processing_price> <final_mile_price>4.33 USD</final_mile_price> <customs_price>0 USD</customs_price> <government_duty_price>0 USD</government_duty_price> <collection_dates> <date>2017/05/05</date> <time_from>08:00</time_from> <time_to>19:00</time_to> <minimum_interval>2</minimum_interval> </collection_dates> <collection_dates> <date>2017/05/06</date> <time_from>08:00</time_from> <time_to>19:00</time_to> <minimum_interval>2</minimum_interval> </collection_dates> <collection_dates> <date>2017/05/08</date> <time_from>08:00</time_from> <time_to>19:00</time_to> <minimum_interval>2</minimum_interval> </collection_dates> <collection_dates> <date>2017/05/09</date> <time_from>08:00</time_from> <time_to>19:00</time_to> <minimum_interval>2</minimum_interval> </collection_dates> <label_format>pdf</label_format> </result> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "return_invalid", "message": [ "Field order_reference cannot be empty." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>return_invalid</code> <message>Field order_reference cannot be empty.</message> </error>
{ "error": { "code": "json_invalid", "message": [ "JSON is not valid" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>xml_invalid</code> <message>XML is not valid</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
address_or_coordinates_required | Either address or coordinates are required |
cannot_find_address_by_coordinates | Cannot find address by coordinates |
return_invalid | Return details (address, items) are invalid. See detailed description in error message |
currency_code_invalid | Invalid currency code |
items_empty | Return items information is required |
return_items_different_from_order | Return items do not match ordered items. This error will appear only in case order data was provided |
item_invalid | Incorrect return item data. See detailed description in error message |
account_setup_required | Current API user don't have required privileges to book a return on the provided address |
no_shipping_services_available | No services found. This error may occur if shipping services were not configured for your account. |
no_results_found | No services found. |
Key | Type | Value |
external_id | string(255) | Unique ID, which can be populated using Create return method |
tracking | string(255) | Tracking number |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "return": { "tracking":"00350559268103460351" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<return> <tracking>00350559268103460351</tracking> </return> |
{ "success": { "result": { "message": "Return cancel requested", "tracking": "ZF858435144GB", "external_id": "", "status": "Return cancel requested" } } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <result> <message>Return cancel requested</message> <tracking>ZF858435100GB</tracking> <external_id /> <status>Return cancel requested</status> </result> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "return_nx", "message": [ "Return not found" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>return_nx</code> <message>Return not found</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
external_id_or_tracking_required | Missing required field 'external_id' or 'tracking'. |
return_nx | Return was not found |
cancellation_time_expired | Return cancellation period has been expired |
can_not_cancel_return | Can not cancel return |
Key | Type | Value |
external_id | string(255) | Unique ID, which can be populated using Create return method |
tracking | string(255) | Tracking number |
order_reference | string(255) | Order reference of returns |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "return": { "order_reference":"Order reference" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<return> <order_reference>Order reference</order_reference> </return> |
Key | Type | Value |
order_reference | string(255) | Order reference |
tracking | string(255) | tracking number |
external_id | string(255) | External ID |
date_added | int | Unix timestamp of date when return was created. |
current_tracking_status | int | Digital code of current tracking status. |
end_buyer | object | End buyer transactions |
end_buyer/transactions | array of objects | Transaction list. Can be empty. See 'Transaction object' section. |
end_buyer/total | objects | Total object for transactions, where key is currency and value is amount. |
contractual_amount | object | Contractual transactions |
contractual_amount/transactions | array of objects | Transaction list. Can be empty. See 'Transaction object' section. |
contractual_amount/total | objects | Total object for transactions, where key is currency and value is amount. |
approximate_invoice_amount | objects | Approximate invoice amount. Key is currency and value is amount. |
Key | Type | Value |
amount | string(16) | Amount of transaction. Can be negative. |
currency | string(3) | Collection "time from" in hh:mm format. False if unavailable. |
comment | string(65,535) | Collection "time to" in hh:mm format. False if unavailable. |
{ "success": { "returns": [ { "order_reference": "Order reference", "tracking": "Tracking1", "external_id": "", "current_tracking_status": "60", "date_added": "1465397894", "end_buyer": { "transactions": [ { "amount": "5.00", "currency": "GBP", "comment": "Return 'Order reference' was paid by customer." } ], "total": { "GBP": "5.00", "EUR": "5.54", "USD": "6.38" } }, "contractual_amount": { "transactions": [ { "amount": "6.00", "currency": "EUR", "comment": "Return 'Order reference' was billed by tracking event: Received by the carrier. 1 parcel billed" }, { "amount": "7.00", "currency": "USD", "comment": "Return 'Order reference' was billed by tracking event: Delivered to the retailer. 1 parcel billed " } ], "total": { "GBP": "10.89", "EUR": "12.07", "USD": "13.92" } }, "approximate_invoice_amount": { "GBP": "5.89", "EUR": "6.53", "USD": "7.54" } }, { "order_reference": "Order reference", "tracking": "Tracking2", "external_id": "", "current_tracking_status": "60", "date_added": "1465398894", "end_buyer": { "transactions": [ { "amount": "5.00", "currency": "GBP", "comment": "Return 'Order reference' was paid by customer." } ], "total": { "GBP": "5.00", "EUR": "5.54", "USD": "6.38" } }, "contractual_amount": { "transactions": [ { "amount": "6.00", "currency": "EUR", "comment": "Return 'Order reference' was billed by tracking event: Received by the carrier. 1 parcel billed" }, { "amount": "7.00", "currency": "USD", "comment": "Return 'Order reference' was billed by tracking event: Delivered to the retailer. 1 parcel billed " } ], "total": { "GBP": "10.89", "EUR": "12.07", "USD": "13.92" } }, "approximate_invoice_amount": { "GBP": "5.89", "EUR": "6.53", "USD": "7.54" } } ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <returns> <order_reference>Order reference</order_reference> <tracking>Tracking1</tracking> <external_id></external_id> <current_tracking_status>60</current_tracking_status> <date_added>1465397894</date_added> <end_buyer> <transactions> <amount>5.00</amount> <currency>GBP</currency> <comment>Return 'Order reference' was paid by customer.</comment> </transactions> <total> <GBP>5.00</GBP> <EUR>5.54</EUR> <USD>6.38</USD> </total> </end_buyer> <contractual_amount> <transactions> <amount>6.00</amount> <currency>EUR</currency> <comment>Return 'Order reference' was billed by tracking event: Received by the carrier. 1 parcel billed </comment> </transactions> <transactions> <amount>7.00</amount> <currency>USD</currency> <comment>Return 'Order reference' was billed by tracking event: Delivered to the retailer. 1 parcel billed </comment> </transactions> <total> <GBP>10.89</GBP> <EUR>12.07</EUR> <USD>13.92</USD> </total> </contractual_amount> <approximate_invoice_amount> <GBP>5.89</GBP> <EUR>6.53</EUR> <USD>7.54</USD> </approximate_invoice_amount> </returns> <returns> <order_reference>Order reference</order_reference> <tracking>Tracking2</tracking> <external_id></external_id> <current_tracking_status>60</current_tracking_status> <date_added>1465398894</date_added> <end_buyer> <transactions> <amount>5.00</amount> <currency>GBP</currency> <comment>Return 'Order reference' was paid by customer.</comment> </transactions> <total> <GBP>5.00</GBP> <EUR>5.54</EUR> <USD>6.38</USD> </total> </end_buyer> <contractual_amount> <transactions> <amount>6.00</amount> <currency>EUR</currency> <comment>Return 'Order reference' was billed by tracking event: Received by the carrier. 1 parcel billed </comment> </transactions> <transactions> <amount>7.00</amount> <currency>USD</currency> <comment>Return 'Order reference' was billed by tracking event: Delivered to the retailer. 1 parcel billed </comment> </transactions> <total> <GBP>10.89</GBP> <EUR>12.07</EUR> <USD>13.92</USD> </total> </contractual_amount> <approximate_invoice_amount> <GBP>5.89</GBP> <EUR>6.53</EUR> <USD>7.54</USD> </approximate_invoice_amount> </returns> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "return_nx", "message": [ "Return not found" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>return_nx</code> <message>Return not found</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
parameter_required | Missing required field 'external_id', 'tracking' or order_reference. |
return_nx | Return was not found |
Key | Type | Value |
tracking * | object | Tracking request object |
Key | Type | Value |
code * | string(255) | Tracking code |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "tracking": { "code": "514500294005" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<tracking> <code>514500294005</code> </tracking> |
Key | Value |
dt | Tracking event date in unix timestamp format. |
status | Alphanumeric code of current tracking status. |
location | Location. Contains: country, state, city. Please note, that it may be empty. |
pallet_number | Pallet tracking number. Empty if parcel has not been added to a pallet |
source_country | Country from which a parcel was consigned. (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
carrier_name | Carrier name (E.G. DHL) |
service_id | Internal service id, which can be used to determine carrier's service |
external_id | Unique ID, which can be populated using Create return method |
order_reference | Order reference, which can be populated using Create return method |
Key | Value |
country | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
state | State |
city | City |
{ "success": { "track": [ { "dt": "1488469413", "status": "10", "location": { "country": "CZ", "state": "ČR", "city": "Praha" } }, { "dt": "1488482100", "status": "20", "location": { "country": "CZ", "state": "", "city": "" } }, { "dt": "1488526560", "status": "30", "location": { "country": "CZ", "state": "", "city": "" } }, { "dt": "1488561000", "status": "30", "location": { "country": "DE", "state": "Radefeld", "city": "" } }, { "dt": "1488566460", "status": "30", "location": { "country": "DE", "state": "Radefeld", "city": "" } }, { "dt": "1488603900", "status": "30", "location": { "country": "DE", "state": "Börnicke", "city": "" } }, { "dt": "1488603960", "status": "40", "location": { "country": "DE", "state": "Großbeeren", "city": "" } }, { "dt": "1488758400", "status": "50", "location": { "country": "DE", "state": "", "city": "" } }, { "dt": "1488758400", "status": "60", "location": { "country": "GB", "state": "Selby", "city": "Selby" } } ], "pallet_number": "1000", "source_country": "CZ", "carrier_name": "DHL", "service_id": "23", "external_id": "999", "order_reference": "Order Reference" } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <track> <dt>1488469413</dt> <status>10</status> <location> <country>CZ</country> <state>ČR</state> <city>Praha</city> </location> </track> <track> <dt>1488482100</dt> <status>20</status> <location> <country>CZ</country> <state /> <city /> </location> </track> <track> <dt>1488526560</dt> <status>30</status> <location> <country>CZ</country> <state /> <city /> </location> </track> <track> <dt>1488561000</dt> <status>30</status> <location> <country>DE</country> <state>Radefeld</state> <city /> </location> </track> <track> <dt>1488566460</dt> <status>30</status> <location> <country>DE</country> <state>Radefeld</state> <city /> </location> </track> <track> <dt>1488603900</dt> <status>30</status> <location> <country>DE</country> <state>Börnicke</state> <city /> </location> </track> <track> <dt>1488603960</dt> <status>40</status> <location> <country>DE</country> <state>Großbeeren</state> <city /> </location> </track> <track> <dt>1488758400</dt> <status>50</status> <location> <country>DE</country> <state /> <city /> </location> </track> <track> <dt>1488758400</dt> <status>60</status> <location> <country>GB</country> <state>Selby</state> <city>Selby</city> </location> </track> <pallet_number>1000</pallet_number> <source_country>CZ</source_country> <carrier_name>DHL</carrier_name> <service_id>23</service_id> <external_id>999</external_id> <order_reference>Order Reference</order_reference> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "empty", "message": [ "Nothing found." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>empty</code> <message>Nothing found.</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
request_wrong | Request field is wrong. |
code_empty | Field 'code' is required |
empty | No tracking events was found |
Key | Type | Value |
date_from * | string | int | mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss, Unix timestamp |
date_to * | string | int | mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss, Unix timestamp |
source_country | string(2) | Country from which a parcel was consigned. (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
page | int | Page number. "1" by default. |
count_per_page | int | Count of events on one response. By default 20000. Maximum value is 20000. |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example.
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "filter": { "date_from": "2025/02/15 14:10:52", "date_to": "2025/02/16 14:10:52" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<filter> <date_from>2025/02/15 14:10:52</date_from> <date_to>2025/02/16 14:10:52</date_to> </filter> |
Key | Value |
tracking_data | Tracking data |
total_events_count | Number of the total tracking events found |
current_page | Number of the current page |
total_pages_count | Number of total pages |
count_per_page | Count of events on one response. |
Key | Value |
tracking_number | Tracking number |
pallet_number | Pallet tracking number. Empty if parcel has not been added to a pallet |
source_country | Country from which a parcel was consigned. (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
carrier_name | Carrier name (E.G. DHL) |
service_id | Internal service id, which can be used to determine carrier's service |
external_id | Unique ID, which can be populated using Create return method |
order_reference | Order reference, which can be populated using Create return method |
events | Tracking events. Contains: status, dt, location |
Key | Value |
status | Digital code of current tracking status. |
dt | Tracking event date in unix timestamp format. |
location | Location. Contains: country, state, city. Please note, that it may be empty. |
Key | Value |
country | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
state | State |
city | City |
{ "success": { "tracking_data": [ { "tracking_number": "00350559268102004358", "pallet_number": "", "source_country": "SE", "carrier_name": "MyPack", "service_id": "40", "external_id": "", "order_reference": "Order Reference", "events": [ { "status": "20", "dt": "1475087880", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Uppsala" } }, { "status": "30", "dt": "1475087880", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Uppsala" } } ] }, { "tracking_number": "00350559268102018270", "pallet_number": "", "source_country": "SE", "carrier_name": "MyPack", "service_id": "40", "external_id": "", "order_reference": "Order Reference", "events": [ { "status": "30", "dt": "1475087880", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Landvetter" } } ] }, { "tracking_number": "00350559268102009469", "pallet_number": "", "source_country": "SE", "carrier_name": "MyPack", "service_id": "40", "external_id": "", "order_reference": "Order Reference", "events": [ { "status": "30", "dt": "1475087940", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Järfälla" } } ] }, { "tracking_number": "512902293586", "pallet_number": "", "source_country": "RO", "carrier_name": "DHL", "service_id": "31", "external_id": "", "order_reference": "Order Reference", "events": [ { "status": "20", "dt": "1475087940", "location": { "country": "RO", "state": "", "city": "" } } ] }, { "tracking_number": "00350559268102026343", "pallet_number": "", "source_country": "SE", "carrier_name": "MyPack", "service_id": "40", "external_id": "", "order_reference": "Order Reference", "events": [ { "status": "20", "dt": "1475087940", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Stockholm" } }, { "status": "30", "dt": "1475087940", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Stockholm" } } ] } ], "total_events_count": 7, "current_page": 1, "total_pages_count": 1, "count_per_page": 20000 } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <tracking_data> <tracking_number>00350559268102004358</tracking_number> <pallet_number /> <source_country>SE</source_country> <carrier_name>MyPack</carrier_name> <service_id>40</service_id> <external_id /> <order_reference>Order Reference</order_reference> <events> <status>20</status> <dt>1475087880</dt> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Uppsala</city> </location> </events> <events> <status>30</status> <dt>1475087880</dt> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Uppsala</city> </location> </events> </tracking_data> <tracking_data> <tracking_number>00350559268102018270</tracking_number> <pallet_number /> <source_country>SE</source_country> <carrier_name>MyPack</carrier_name> <service_id>40</service_id> <external_id /> <order_reference>Order Reference</order_reference> <events> <status>30</status> <dt>1475087880</dt> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Landvetter</city> </location> </events> </tracking_data> <tracking_data> <tracking_number>00350559268102009469</tracking_number> <pallet_number /> <source_country>SE</source_country> <carrier_name>MyPack</carrier_name> <service_id>40</service_id> <external_id /> <order_reference>Order Reference</order_reference> <events> <status>30</status> <dt>1475087940</dt> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Järfälla</city> </location> </events> </tracking_data> <tracking_data> <tracking_number>512902293586</tracking_number> <pallet_number /> <source_country>RO</source_country> <carrier_name>DHL</carrier_name> <service_id>31</service_id> <external_id /> <order_reference>Order Reference</order_reference> <events> <status>20</status> <dt>1475087940</dt> <location> <country>RO</country> <state /> <city /> </location> </events> </tracking_data> <tracking_data> <tracking_number>00350559268102026343</tracking_number> <pallet_number /> <source_country>SE</source_country> <carrier_name>MyPack</carrier_name> <service_id>40</service_id> <external_id /> <order_reference>Order Reference</order_reference> <events> <status>20</status> <dt>1475087940</dt> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Stockholm</city> </location> </events> <events> <status>30</status> <dt>1475087940</dt> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Stockholm</city> </location> </events> </tracking_data> <total_events_count>7</total_events_count> <current_page>1</current_page> <total_pages_count>1</total_pages_count> <count_per_page>20000</count_per_page> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "empty", "message": [ "Nothing found." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>empty</code> <message>Nothing found.</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
request_wrong | 'Filter' field is missing |
page_wrong | Page must be positive int. |
count_per_page_wrong | Count per page must be positive int. |
count_per_page_max | Maximum value of count per page is 20000. |
empty | No tracking events was found |
date_filter_is_missing | Date range is incorrect. See detailed description in error message |
Key | Type | Value |
date_from * | string | int | mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss, Unix timestamp |
date_to * | string | int | mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss, Unix timestamp |
source_country | string(2) | Country from which a parcel was consigned. (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
page | int | Page number. "1" by default. |
count_per_page | int | Count of events on one response. By default 20000. Maximum value is 20000. |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example.
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "filter": { "date_from": "2025/02/15 14:10:52", "date_to": "2025/02/16 14:10:52" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<filter> <date_from>2025/02/15 14:10:52</date_from> <date_to>2025/02/16 14:10:52</date_to> </filter> |
Key | Value |
tracking_data | Tracking data |
total_events_count | Number of the total tracking events found |
current_page | Number of the current page |
total_pages_count | Number of total pages |
count_per_page | Count of events on one response. |
Key | Value |
tracking_number | Tracking number |
pallet_number | Pallet tracking number. Empty if parcel has not been added to a pallet |
source_country | Country from which a parcel was consigned. (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
carrier_name | Carrier name (E.G. DHL) |
service_id | Internal service id, which can be used to determine carrier's service |
external_id | Unique ID, which can be populated using Create return method |
order_reference | Order reference, which can be populated using Create return method |
events | Tracking events. Contains: status, dt, date_added, location |
Key | Value |
status | Digital code of current tracking status. |
dt | Date when tracking event was occurred in unix timestamp format. |
date_added | Date when tracking event was added to system in unix timestamp format. |
location | Location. Contains: country, state, city. Please note, that it may be empty. |
Key | Value |
country | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
state | State |
city | City |
{ "success": { "tracking_data": [ { "tracking_number": "00350559268102004358", "pallet_number": "", "source_country": "SE", "carrier_name": "MyPack", "service_id": "40", "external_id": "", "order_reference": "Order Reference", "events": [ { "status": "20", "dt": "1475087880", "date_added": "1475087880", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Uppsala" } }, { "status": "30", "dt": "1475087880", "date_added": "1475087880", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Uppsala" } } ] }, { "tracking_number": "00350559268102018270", "pallet_number": "", "source_country": "SE", "carrier_name": "MyPack", "service_id": "40", "external_id": "", "order_reference": "Order Reference", "events": [ { "status": "30", "dt": "1475087880", "date_added": "1475087880", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Landvetter" } } ] }, { "tracking_number": "00350559268102009469", "pallet_number": "", "source_country": "SE", "carrier_name": "MyPack", "service_id": "40", "external_id": "", "order_reference": "Order Reference", "events": [ { "status": "30", "dt": "1475087940", "date_added": "1475087940", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Järfälla" } } ] }, { "tracking_number": "512902293586", "pallet_number": "", "source_country": "RO", "carrier_name": "DHL", "service_id": "31", "external_id": "", "order_reference": "Order Reference", "events": [ { "status": "20", "dt": "1475087940", "date_added": "1475087940", "location": { "country": "RO", "state": "", "city": "" } } ] }, { "tracking_number": "00350559268102026343", "pallet_number": "", "source_country": "SE", "carrier_name": "MyPack", "service_id": "40", "external_id": "", "order_reference": "Order Reference", "events": [ { "status": "20", "dt": "1475087940", "date_added": "1475087940", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Stockholm" } }, { "status": "30", "dt": "1475087940", "date_added": "1475087940", "location": { "country": "SE", "state": "", "city": "Stockholm" } } ] } ], "total_events_count": 7, "current_page": 1, "total_pages_count": 1, "count_per_page": 20000 } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <tracking_data> <tracking_number>00350559268102004358</tracking_number> <pallet_number /> <source_country>SE</source_country> <carrier_name>MyPack</carrier_name> <service_id>40</service_id> <external_id /> <order_reference>Order Reference</order_reference> <events> <status>20</status> <dt>1475087880</dt> <date_added>1475087880</date_added> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Uppsala</city> </location> </events> <events> <status>30</status> <dt>1475087880</dt> <date_added>1475087880</date_added> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Uppsala</city> </location> </events> </tracking_data> <tracking_data> <tracking_number>00350559268102018270</tracking_number> <pallet_number /> <source_country>SE</source_country> <carrier_name>MyPack</carrier_name> <service_id>40</service_id> <external_id /> <order_reference>Order Reference</order_reference> <events> <status>30</status> <dt>1475087880</dt> <date_added>1475087880</date_added> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Landvetter</city> </location> </events> </tracking_data> <tracking_data> <tracking_number>00350559268102009469</tracking_number> <pallet_number /> <source_country>SE</source_country> <carrier_name>MyPack</carrier_name> <service_id>40</service_id> <external_id /> <order_reference>Order Reference</order_reference> <events> <status>30</status> <dt>1475087940</dt> <date_added>1475087940</date_added> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Järfälla</city> </location> </events> </tracking_data> <tracking_data> <tracking_number>512902293586</tracking_number> <pallet_number /> <source_country>RO</source_country> <carrier_name>DHL</carrier_name> <service_id>31</service_id> <external_id /> <order_reference>Order Reference</order_reference> <events> <status>20</status> <dt>1475087940</dt> <date_added>1475087940</date_added> <location> <country>RO</country> <state /> <city /> </location> </events> </tracking_data> <tracking_data> <tracking_number>00350559268102026343</tracking_number> <pallet_number /> <source_country>SE</source_country> <carrier_name>MyPack</carrier_name> <service_id>40</service_id> <external_id /> <order_reference>Order Reference</order_reference> <events> <status>20</status> <dt>1475087940</dt> <date_added>1475087940</date_added> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Stockholm</city> </location> </events> <events> <status>30</status> <dt>1475087940</dt> <date_added>1475087940</date_added> <location> <country>SE</country> <state /> <city>Stockholm</city> </location> </events> </tracking_data> <total_events_count>7</total_events_count> <current_page>1</current_page> <total_pages_count>1</total_pages_count> <count_per_page>20000</count_per_page> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "empty", "message": [ "Nothing found." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>empty</code> <message>Nothing found.</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
request_wrong | 'Filter' field is missing |
page_wrong | Page must be positive int. |
count_per_page_wrong | Count per page must be positive int. |
count_per_page_max | Maximum value of count per page is 20000. |
empty | No tracking events was found |
date_filter_is_missing | Date range is incorrect. See detailed description in error message |
Key | Type | Value |
tracking_status * | object | Tracking status request object |
tracking * | string(255) | Tracking number. | ||||
date * | string | int | Date when tracking event was occurred (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss, Unix timestamp) | ||||
status * | int |
Digital code of current tracking status. Allowed statuses:
date_added | string | int | Date when tracking event was added (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss, Unix timestamp) | ||||
description | string | Status description | ||||
carrier_status | string(255) | Carrier status code | ||||
location | object | Location |
Key | Type | Value |
country | string(2) | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
state | string(255) | State |
city | string(255) | City |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "tracking_status": { "tracking": "540324195682", "date": 1475087880, "status": 30, "description": "Test description", "carrier_status": "123ABC", "location": { "country": "GB", "state": "Greater London", "city": "London" } } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<tracking_status> <tracking>540324195682</tracking> <date>1475087880</date> <status>30</status> <description>Test description</description> <carrier_status>123ABC</carrier_status> <location> <country>GB</country> <state>Greater London</state> <city>London</city> </location> </tracking_status> |
{ "success": { "code": "success", "message": [ "Return 540324195682 update successfully" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <code>success</code> <message>Return 540324195682 update successfully</message> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "status_incorrect", "message": [ "Status incorrect" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>status_incorrect</code> <message>Status incorrect</message> </error>
{ "error": { "code": "json_invalid", "message": [ "JSON is not valid" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>xml_invalid</code> <message>XML is not valid</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
request_wrong | 'tracking_status' field is missing |
tracking_required | tracking field is required |
date_required | date field is required |
status_required | status field is required |
incorrect_date | Incorrect date |
incorrect_date_added | Incorrect date_added |
incorrect_status | Incorrect tracking status |
status_not_allowed | Tracking status not allowed for add |
return_not_found | Return not found |
status_already_present | Return has current/later status already |
has_later_date | Return has a later date |
Key | Value |
date | Server datetime in unix timestamp format. |
{ "success": { "date": "1474467743" } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <date> 1474467743 </date> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "internal", "message": [ "Internal server error." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>internal</code> <message>Internal server error.</message> </error>
Key | Type | Value |
country * | string(2) | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
state (Preferred) | string(255) | State/County |
zip (Preferred) | string(255) | Zip/Post code |
city (Preferred) | string(255) | City |
suburb (Preferred for AU) | string(255) | Suburb |
addr1 (Preferred) | string(255) | Address line 1 |
addr2 | string(255) | Address line 2 |
lat * | double | Latitude |
lng * | double | Longitude |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "request": { "country":"AU" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request> <country>AU</country> </request> |
Key | Type | Value |
success | object | Success response object |
Key | Type | Value |
services | array of object | Array of carrier objects |
Key | Type | Value |
carrier | string(255) | Carrier name |
service_id | int | Carrier Service ID |
service_name | string(255) | Carrier service name |
coverage | object | Carrier service coverage. Includes coverage by country/state/city. |
Key | Type | Value |
countries | array of object | Array of countries that cover carrier service. |
Key | Type | Value |
country | string(2) | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
states | array of object | string(4) | Array of states in case not all states in a country are covered. Otherwise string(4) "full". |
Key | Type | Value |
state | string(255) | State name or code (Codes only for: US, CA, AU) |
cities | array of string(255) | string(255) | Array of cities in case not all cities are covered in a state. Otherwise string(4) "full". |
suburbs | array of string(255) | string(255) |
Array of suburbs in case not all suburbs are covered in a state. Otherwise string(4) "full". Available only for Australia |
{ "success": { "services": [ { "carrier": "Australia Post", "service_id": "114", "service_name": "Australia Post", "service_type": "drop_off", "coverage": { "countries": [ { "country": "AU", "states": "full" } ] } }, { "carrier": "parcel_point", "service_id": "66", "service_name": "ParcelPoint Home Collection", "service_type": "home_collection", "coverage": { "countries": [ { "country": "AU", "states": [ { "state": "act", "cities": "full", "suburbs": [ "acton", "ainslie", "amaroo" ] }, { "state": "nsw", "cities": "full", "suburbs": "full" }, { "state": "nt", "cities": "full", "suburbs": "full" } ] } ] } } ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <services> <carrier>Australia Post</carrier> <service_id>114</service_id> <service_name>Australia Post</service_name> <service_type>drop_off</service_type> <coverage> <countries> <country>AU</country> <states>full</states> </countries> </coverage> </services> <services> <carrier>parcel_point</carrier> <service_id>66</service_id> <service_name>ParcelPoint Home Collection</service_name> <service_type>home_collection</service_type> <coverage> <countries> <country>AU</country> <states> <state>act</state> <cities>full</cities> <suburbs>acton</suburbs> <suburbs>ainslie</suburbs> <suburbs>amaroo</suburbs> </states> <states> <state>nsw</state> <cities>full</cities> <suburbs>full</suburbs> </states> <states> <state>nt</state> <cities>full</cities> <suburbs>full</suburbs> </states> </countries> </coverage> </services> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "service_nx", "message": [ "No services were found by given address" ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>service_nx</code> <message>No services were found by given address</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
cannot_find_address_by_coordinates | Cannot find address by coordinates |
service_not_found | No carrier services found |
country_incorrect | Incorrect country code |
Key | Type | Value |
address | object |
Address, which will be used to find nearest drop-off points. Address has a priority over coordinates in case both are provided. Please, find fields description below
Mandatory if coordinates empty
coordinates | object |
Coordinates, which will be used to find nearest drop-off points Please, find fields description below
Mandatory if address empty
services | array of int | Array of service IDs |
radius | int | Search radius in km (kilometers) |
max_num | int |
Maximum number of drop-off points to show. Result will consist of the nearest points available. Only positive integers are allowed, other values will be ignored, floats will be casted to integers. |
Key | Type | Value |
country * | string(2) | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
state | string(255) |
Required for Hong Kong
zip (Preferred) | string(255) | Zip/Post code |
city (Preferred) | string(255) | City |
suburb (Preferred for AU) | string(255) | Suburb |
addr1 (Preferred) | string(255) | Address line 1 |
addr2 | string(255) | Address line 2 |
Key | Type | Value |
lat * | double | Latitude |
lng * | double | Longitude |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
JSON example
Always apply urlencode to json data!
{ "request": { "services": [ 1, 2 ], "address": { "country": "CA", "state": "ON", "zip": "M6H 2X5", "city": "Toronto", "addr1": "926 Dovercourt Rd", "addr2": "" }, "coordinates": { "lat": "43.6657253", "lng": "-79.4313081" }, "radius": "10" } } |
Key | Value |
login | your login |
api_key | your API key |
request |
XML Example
Warning! Before send xml data:
<request> <services>1</services> <services>2</services> <address> <country>CA</country> <state>ON</state> <zip>M6H 2X5</zip> <city>Toronto</city> <addr1>926 Dovercourt Rd</addr1> <addr2></addr2> </address> <coordinates> <lat>43.6657253</lat> <lng>-79.4313081</lng> </coordinates> <radius>10</radius> </request> |
Key | Type | Value |
success | object | Success response object |
Key | Type | Value |
carriers | array of object | Array of carrier objects |
Key | Type | Value |
id | int | Carrier id |
name | string(255) | Carrier name |
services | array of object | Array of service objects |
Key | Type | Value |
id | int | Service id. You can use this id for create return |
name | string(255) | Service name |
points | array of object | Array of drop off point objects |
Key | Type | Value |
id | string(255) | Drop off point id |
title | string(255) | Drop off point title |
address_detail | object | Object of drop off point detail address |
hours | string(255) | boolean | Work hours of drop off point or false if not available |
detail_hours | object | boolean | Object of formatted work hours or false if not available |
lat | double | Latitude |
lng | double | Longitude |
Key | Type | Value |
country | string(2) | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
state | string(255) | State/County |
zip | string(255) | Zip/Post code |
city | string(255) | City |
suburb | string(255) | Suburb |
addr1 | string(255) | Address line 1 |
addr2 | string(255) | Address line 2 |
Key | Type | Value |
mo | array of string | boolean | Array of monday work hours or false if not available |
tu | array of string | boolean | Array of tuesday work hours or false if not available |
we | array of string | boolean | Array of wednesday work hours or false if not available |
th | array of string | boolean | Array of thursday work hours or false if not available |
fr | array of string | boolean | Array of friday work hours or false if not available |
sa | array of string | boolean | Array of saturday work hours or false if not available |
su | array of string | boolean | Array of sunday work hours or false if not available |
{ "success": { "carriers": [ { "id": 4, "name": "Correos", "services": [ { "id": 13, "name": "Correos Drop Off", "points": [ { "id": "123ABC", "title": "BARCELONA SUC 23. LES CORTS", "address_detail": { "country": "ES", "state": "", "zip": "08028", "city": "BARCELONA", "addr1": "AV. MADRID 106", "addr2": "" }, "hours": false, "detail_hours": false, "lat": "41.37881", "lng": "2.1280565" } ] } ] }, { "id": 21, "name": "Hermes Europe", "services": [ { "id": 48, "name": "Hermes Parcel Shop", "points": [ { "id": "124ABC", "title": "ELECTRODOMESTICOS PEINADO", "address_detail": { "country": "ES", "state": "", "zip": "08028", "city": "BARCELONA", "addr1": "CL JOAN GUELL", "addr2": "" }, "hours": "monday-saturday 10:00-14:00 monday-friday 17:00-20:30", "detail_hours": { "mo": [ "10:00-14:00", "17:00-20:30" ], "tu": [ "10:00-14:00", "17:00-20:30" ], "we": [ "10:00-14:00", "17:00-20:30" ], "th": [ "10:00-14:00", "17:00-20:30" ], "fr": [ "10:00-14:00", "17:00-20:30" ], "sa": [ "10:00-14:00" ], "su": false }, "lat": 41.382355, "lng": 2.131578 }, { "id": "125ABC", "title": "BITPHONE", "address_detail": { "country": "ES", "state": "", "zip": "08028", "city": "BARCELONA", "addr1": "CL GALILEO", "addr2": "" }, "hours": "monday-friday 09:00-21:00 saturday 09:00-17:00", "detail_hours": { "mo": [ "09:00-21:00" ], "tu": [ "09:00-21:00" ], "we": [ "09:00-21:00" ], "th": [ "09:00-21:00" ], "fr": [ "09:00-21:00" ], "sa": [ "09:00-17:00" ], "su": false }, "lat": 41.3766, "lng": 2.1356463 } ] } ] } ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <success> <carriers> <id>4</id> <name>Correos</name> <services> <id>13</id> <name>Correos Drop Off</name> <points> <id>123ABC</id> <title>BARCELONA SUC 23. LES CORTS</title> <address_detail> <country>ES</country> <state></state> <zip>08028</zip> <city>BARCELONA</city> <addr1>AV. MADRID 106</addr1> <addr2></addr2> </address_detail> <hours></hours> <detail_hours></detail_hours> <lat>41.37881</lat> <lng>2.1280565</lng> </points> </services> </carriers> <carriers> <id>21</id> <name>Hermes Europe</name> <services> <id>48</id> <name>Hermes Parcel Shop</name> <points> <id>124ABC</id> <title>ELECTRODOMESTICOS PEINADO</title> <address_detail> <country>ES</country> <state></state> <zip>08028</zip> <city>BARCELONA</city> <addr1>CL JOAN GUELL</addr1> <addr2></addr2> </address_detail> <hours>monday-saturday 10:00-14:00 monday-friday 17:00-20:30</hours> <detail_hours> <mo>10:00-14:00</mo> <mo>17:00-20:30</mo> <tu>10:00-14:00</tu> <tu>17:00-20:30</tu> <we>10:00-14:00</we> <we>17:00-20:30</we> <th>10:00-14:00</th> <th>17:00-20:30</th> <fr>10:00-14:00</fr> <fr>17:00-20:30</fr> <sa>10:00-14:00</sa> <su></su> </detail_hours> <lat>41.382355</lat> <lng>2.131578</lng> </points> <points> <id>125ABC</id> <title>BITPHONE</title> <address_detail> <country>ES</country> <state></state> <zip>08028</zip> <city>BARCELONA</city> <addr1>CL GALILEO</addr1> <addr2></addr2> </address_detail> <hours>monday-friday 09:00-21:00 saturday 09:00-17:00</hours> <detail_hours> <mo>09:00-21:00</mo> <tu>09:00-21:00</tu> <we>09:00-21:00</we> <th>09:00-21:00</th> <fr>09:00-21:00</fr> <sa>09:00-17:00</sa> <su></su> </detail_hours> <lat>41.3766</lat> <lng>2.1356463</lng> </points> </services> </carriers> </success>
{ "error": { "code": "carrier_empty", "message": [ "Missing required field 'address->country'." ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error> <code>carrier_empty</code> <message>Missing required field 'address->country'.</message> </error>
Error code | Description |
location_empty | Either 'address' or 'coordinates' field is required |
lat_empty | In case 'coordinates' field is present, 'lat' field is required |
lng_empty | In case 'coordinates' field is present, 'lng' field is required |
cannot_find_address_by_coordinates | Cannot find address by coordinates |
service_not_found | No carrier services found |
country_incorrect | Incorrect country code |
no_drop_off_points_found | No drop-off points found |
Code | Description |
10 | Return registered online |
20 | Received by the carrier |
30 | In transit to our local hub |
40 | Received at our local hub |
43 | Processed by hub |
45 | Parcel has been added to pallet |
90 | Parcel has been extracted from pallet |
50 | In transit to the retailer |
60 | Delivered to the retailer |
110 | Parcel lost |
310 | Canceled |
Code | Description |
70 | Parcel processed by retailer |
100 | Parcel delayed |
120 | Collection attempt failed |
200 | Parcel under investigation |
201 | Awaiting customs clearance |
202 | Customs clearance completed |
300 | Cancel requested |
320 | tracking_declined |
25 | tracking_in_country |
Code | Description |
V51 | HUB Operator: Return passed checking |
V52 | HUB Operator: Return failed checking |
V53 | HUB Operator: Return leaved at hub |
$login = 'demo_api';
$api_key = 'api_key';
$order = array (
'order_reference' => '1000000000000',
'order_date' => '10/20/2015',
'rma' => '12345',
'contact_name' => 'John Smith',
'company_name' => '',
'addr1' => '6 Semaphore Close Mount Pleasant',
'addr2' => '',
'addr3' => 'Christchurch',
'zip' => '8081',
'state' => 'qwe',
'country' => 'NZ',
'phone' => '+102030405060',
'email' => '',
'currency_code' => 'AUD',
'export_awb' => '32153454GB',
'export_carrier_name' => 'USPS',
'item' => array (
array (
'sku_code' => 'QWE123',
'sku_desc' => 'Black Sculpting & Smoothing Shapewear Body Suit-EUR 38 (M)',
'quantity' => '5',
'price' => '100',
'weight' => '1',
'length' => '2',
'width' => '3',
'height' => '4',
'dimensions_uom' => 'mm',
'hs_code' => '',
'country_code' => 'GB',
'img_path' => '',
array (
'sku_code' => 'QWE456',
'sku_desc' => 'Black Halterneck Corset',
'quantity' => '10',
'price' => '200',
'weight' => '0.86',
'length' => '0',
'width' => '0',
'height' => '0',
'dimensions_uom' => 'mm',
'hs_code' => '',
'country_code' => 'GB',
'img_path' => '',
// Production API entry point
$entryPoint = '';
// Test API entry point
$entryPoint = '';
$method = 'orders/create/';
$format = 'json';
$post = array(
'login' => $login,
'api_key' => $api_key,
'request' => json_encode(array('order' => $order))
$ch = curl_init($entryPoint . $method . $format);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post, '', '&'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
if ($result === false) {
// cURL error
$response = json_decode($result, true);
if ($response === null) {
// Not json response
if (!empty($response['success'])) {
// Order created
$order_id = $response['success']['order_id'];
die('Ok. Order ID: '. $order_id);
} elseif (!empty($response['error'])) {
// Order was not created
$error_code = $response['error']['code'];
$messages = $response['error']['message'];
die('Error code: ' . $error_code. '. Messages: '.implode("\r\n", $messages));
die('Unknown response format.');
// Production API entry point
$entryPoint = '';
// Test API entry point
$entryPoint = '';
$method = 'check/available/';
$format = 'json';
$post = array(
'request' => ''
$ch = curl_init($entryPoint . $method . $format);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post, '', '&'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
if ($result === false) {
// cURL error
$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($http_code != 200) {
die('Temporary unavailable');
$response = json_decode($result, true);
if ($response === null) {
// Not json response, check your request
if (!empty($response['success'])) {
if(!empty($response['success']['date'])) {
die('Ok. Service is available.');
} else {
// Check the online documentation
die('Unknown response format.');
} elseif (!empty($response['error'])) {
// Temporary unavailable
$error_code = $response['error']['code'];
$messages = $response['error']['message'];
die('Error code: ' . $error_code. '. Messages: '.implode("\r\n", $messages));
// Check the online documentation
die('Unknown response format.');
service_id | Carrier name | Service name | Is trackable |
1 | ACP | Ground Return Service | Yes |
2 | ACP | Priority Mail Return Service | Yes |
3 | Canada Post | Canada Post Tracked Return | Yes |
5 | Royal Mail | Royal Mail: Drop off - Printer Required | Yes |
6 | Evri | Evri: Pick up - Printer Required | Yes |
8 | Evri | *Evri: Drop off - Printer Required | Yes |
9 | PMP | Pass my Parcel Mobile | Yes |
10 | Temando | Couriers Please | Yes |
11 | Temando | Australia Post | Yes |
13 | Correos | Correos Drop Off | Yes |
14 | Correos | Correos Mobile | Yes |
15 | AnPost | AnPost Drop Off (Old) | Yes |
16 | ASM | Home Collection | Yes |
17 | DHL | Deutsche Post Tracked Return | Yes |
18 | DHL | Bpost Tracked Return | Yes |
19 | DHL | Eesti Post Tracked Return | Yes |
20 | DHL | Elta Tracked Return | Yes |
21 | DHL | Österreichische Post Tracked Parcel | Yes |
22 | DHL | Bulgarian Post Tracked Return | No |
23 | DHL | Ceska Posta Tracked Return | Yes |
24 | DHL | Cyprus Post Tracked Return | Yes |
25 | DHL | Colissimo Tracked Parcel | Yes |
26 | DHL | Magyar Posta Tracked Return | Yes |
27 | DHL | Poste Italiane Tracked Return | Yes |
28 | DHL | Latvijas Pasts Tracked Return | Yes |
29 | DHL | P&T Luxembourg Tracked Return | Yes |
30 | DHL | PostNL Tracked Return | Yes |
31 | DHL | Poşta Română Tracked Return | Yes |
32 | DHL | Slovenská Pošta Tracked Return | Yes |
33 | DHL | CTT Correios Tracked Parcel | Yes |
34 | DHL | Pošta Slovenije Tracked Return | Yes |
35 | DHL | Poczta Polska Tracked Return | Yes |
36 | DHL | Lietuvos Paštas Tracked Return | Yes |
37 | DHL | Posti Finland Tracked Return | Yes |
38 | DHL | Post Danmark Tracked Return | Yes |
39 | DHL | DHL Service Point | Yes |
40 | MyPack | MyPack Drop Off | Yes |
41 | MyPack | Pakke Drop Off | Yes |
42 | Direct Link | Direct Link Untracked Return | No |
43 | Self Post | Self-Post Return | No |
44 | Royale | 7-11 Parcel Shop Return | Yes |
45 | CTT | Correios Tracked Parcel | Yes |
46 | Business Reply | Royal Mail Business Reply | Yes |
47 | nzpost | NZ Post Tracked Return | Yes |
48 | Hermes Europe | Hermes Parcel Shop | Yes |
49 | Bring | Posti Tracked Parcel (FI) | Yes |
50 | Bring | Tracked parcel (SE) | Yes |
51 | Bring | Tracked parcel (DK) | Yes |
52 | Box It | Parcel Locker | Yes |
53 | Box It | Parcel Shop | Yes |
54 | Hermes Germany | Parcel Shop (AT) | Yes |
55 | Swiss Post | Swiss Post | Yes |
56 | DHL/USPS | USPS Ground (Old) | Yes |
57 | DHL/USPS | Priority Mail Return Service (Old) | Yes |
58 | BoxBerry | BXB by Boxberry | Yes |
59 | InPost UK | InPost 24/7 Locker: Drop off – Printer Required | Yes |
60 | Estafeta | estafeta test | Yes |
61 | Bring | Bring UK | Yes |
62 | Direct Link | Malta Post Untracked Return | No |
64 | CanPar | Canpar Home Collection | Yes |
66 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Home Collection | Yes |
67 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Drop Off | Yes |
68 | Aramex | Australia Post Tracked Returns V1 | Yes |
69 | Yodel | Return to Yodel Store - Printer Required | Yes |
71 | Hermes Europe | Mondial Relay | Yes |
73 | GLS Denmark consignor | GLS | Yes |
74 | Posti UB | Posti Tracked Parcel | Yes |
75 | ACP | First Class Package Return Service | Yes |
77 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (FR) | Yes |
78 | UPS | UPS Access Point | Yes |
79 | DHL Service Point | DHL Service Point | Yes |
81 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (BE) | Yes |
82 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (ES) | Yes |
83 | Malta Post | Malta Post Tracked Return | Yes |
85 | UPS | UPS Access Point NL (old) | Yes |
86 | Omniva | Omniva Parcel Locker | Yes |
87 | Collissimo | Colissimo Tracked Return | Yes |
88 | Collissimo | Colissimo Letter Box Collection | Yes |
89 | To You | ASDA toyou: Drop off - No Printer Required | Yes |
91 | UPS | UPS Ground | Yes |
94 | Doddle | Doddle: Drop off - No Printer Required | Yes |
96 | Direct Link | Posten Norge Untracked Return | No |
97 | UPS | UPS Access Point Economy | Yes |
98 | Pakpobox | Alfred Parcel Locker | Yes |
99 | UPS | UPS Access Point (IT) | Yes |
100 | UPS | UPS Austria | Yes |
101 | UPS | UPS (NL) | Yes |
102 | UPS | UPS Access Point (PL) | Yes |
103 | UPS | UPS Access Point (DE) | Yes |
104 | UPS | UPS Access Point (FR) | Yes |
105 | SDA Express | Poste Italiane | Yes |
106 | DHL Retoure | DHL Retoure | Yes |
109 | DPD | DPD | Yes |
110 | Aramex Singapore | Aramex Drop Off | Yes |
111 | Aramex Singapore | Aramex Home Collection | Yes |
114 | Australia Post | Australia Post | Yes |
115 | DPD | DPD (DE) | Yes |
116 | DPD | DPD (BE) | Yes |
117 | DPD | DPD (FR) | Yes |
118 | DPD | DPD (LU) | Yes |
119 | DPD | DPD (NL) | Yes |
120 | DPD | DPD (AT) | Yes |
121 | DPD | DPD (DK) | Yes |
122 | DPD | DPD (EE) | Yes |
123 | DPD | DPD (FI) | Yes |
124 | DPD | DPD (LV) | Yes |
125 | DPD | DPD (LT) | Yes |
126 | DPD | DPD (PT) | Yes |
127 | DPD | DPD (SE) | Yes |
131 | Austria Post | Österreichische Post | Yes |
132 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Drop Off (Zone 1) | Yes |
133 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Home Collection (Zone 1) | Yes |
134 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Home Collection (Zone 2) | Yes |
135 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Home Collection (Zone 3) | Yes |
136 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Home Collection (Zone 4) | Yes |
137 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Drop Off (Zone 2) | Yes |
138 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Drop Off (Zone 3) | Yes |
139 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Drop Off (Zone 4) | Yes |
144 | BPost | BPost TEST | Yes |
145 | UPS | USPS Ground - Drop off Printer Required | Yes |
146 | NinjaVan | Ninja Van Home Collection | Yes |
147 | PostNL | PostNL BE | Yes |
148 | PostNL | PostNL GB | Yes |
149 | PostNL | PostNL NL | Yes |
150 | DPD | DPD (UK) - Printer Required | Yes |
151 | UPS | UPS Access Point (UK) - Printer Required | Yes |
152 | NinjaVan | Ninja Van Drop-off | Yes |
153 | NinjaVan | Ninja Van Parcel Locker | Yes |
154 | Royal Mail | Royal Mail: Drop off - No Printer Required | Yes |
155 | Hermes Germany | Parcel Shop (DE) - No Printer Required. | Yes |
156 | Relais Colis | Relais Colis - QR Code | Yes |
157 | Hermes Germany | Parcel Shop (FR) | Yes |
158 | Australia Post | Australia Post Tracked Return | Yes |
159 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (BG) | Yes |
160 | Direct Link | Untracked IBRS | No |
161 | Sing Post | SingPost POPStation | Yes |
162 | Relais Colis | Relais Colis - Print at Home | Yes |
164 | Yodel | Return to Yodel Store - No Printer Required | Yes |
165 | Malta Post | McGill Post | Yes |
167 | Aramex | Aramex (AE) - Drop Off V1 | Yes |
168 | PostNL_Label_Less | PostNL - Print in Store | Yes |
169 | Pitney Bowes | USPS Ground - Printer Required (Old) | Yes |
170 | Hermes Germany | Hermes Parcel Shop (AT) - Print At Home | Yes |
171 | Fast Way | Parcel Connect | Yes |
172 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (LU) | Yes |
173 | DPD DE | DPD | Yes |
175 | Evri | Evri: Drop off - No Printer Required | Yes |
176 | Aramex | Aramex (AE) - Collection V1 | Yes |
177 | Aramex | Aramex (SA) - Drop off V1 | Yes |
178 | Aramex | Aramex (SA) - Collection V1 | Yes |
179 | Hermes Germany | Parcel Shop (DE) - Printer Required. | Yes |
180 | Citi Logistics | Citilogistics Tracked Return | Yes |
181 | BoxBerry | Boxberry Home Collection | Yes |
182 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (print return label at home) | Yes |
183 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (BE) | Yes |
184 | Self Post | Simba 2-Man Collection | No |
185 | Circle K | Circle K | Yes |
186 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (CZ) | Yes |
187 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (IT) | Yes |
188 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (ES) | Yes |
189 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (HU) | Yes |
190 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (PL) | Yes |
191 | DHL Connect | Österreichische Post | Yes |
192 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (SI) | Yes |
194 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (SK) | Yes |
195 | DHL Connect | Hrvatska Pošta Tracked Return | Yes |
196 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (LU) | Yes |
197 | Self Post | Self-Post | No |
198 | Hermes HSI | Hermes DE Drop Off - Printer Required | Yes |
201 | Bring | Bring (NO) | Yes |
202 | CDEK | CDEK Drop Off | Yes |
203 | Skynet | Skynet Collection | Yes |
204 | Skynet | Skynet Post-To | Yes |
205 | Skynet | Skynet Drop-Off | Yes |
210 | DHL | DHL NL | Yes |
211 | Aramex | Geniki Taxydromiki - Tracked Return V1 | Yes |
212 | Aramex | Taxydromiki - Home Collection V1 | Yes |
213 | Janio | Janio | Yes |
214 | DHL Paket | Packet Return | No |
215 | DPD | DPD (CZ) | Yes |
216 | DPD | DPD (SK) | Yes |
217 | DPD | DPD (PL) | Yes |
218 | Aramex | Australia Post - No Printer Required V1 | Yes |
219 | DHL Mobile | DHL Retoure - No Printer Required | Yes |
220 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (IE) | Yes |
221 | DPD BE | DPD | Yes |
222 | ACP | USPS Ground | Yes |
223 | DHL Mobile | DHL Retoure - Printer Required | Yes |
224 | Jersey Post | Jersey Post | Yes |
225 | Guernsey Post | Guernsey Post: Drop off - Printer Required | Yes |
226 | Guernsey Post | Guernsey Post: Drop off - No Printer Required | Yes |
227 | Consignor BPost | BPost | Yes |
229 | Self Post | Self Post | Yes |
230 | E Cargo | HFD | Yes |
231 | Omniva consignor | Omniva Parcel Locker | Yes |
232 | Celeritas consignor | Celeritas | Yes |
233 | Poland Post | Poland Post | Yes |
234 | Pakpobox (Italy) | Alfred Drop off | Yes |
235 | SkyPostal | SkyPostal Drop Off | Yes |
236 | SkyPostal | SkyPostal Home Collection | Yes |
238 | Celeritas | Celeritas (ES) | Yes |
239 | InPost | 24/7 InPost Lockers: Drop Off with Printed Label | Yes |
240 | Celeritas | Celeritas (PT) | Yes |
241 | Hermes HSI | Hermes DE Drop Off - No Printer Required | Yes |
242 | Pitney Bowes | USPS Ground - Printer Required (Old) | Yes |
243 | Inpost Poland | Inpost - Fast Return | Yes |
244 | Pakpobox (Italy) | Alfred Drop off - No Printer Required. | Yes |
245 | Celeritas | Celeritas (ES) Label-less | Yes |
246 | Celeritas | Celeritas (PT) Label-less | Yes |
247 | Self Post | Self - Post Return | No |
248 | Parcelforce Consignor | Parcelforce | Yes |
249 | InPost L2A | InPost Locker: Drop off - Printer Required | Yes |
251 | UPS | UPS Ground (Ezi) | No |
252 | DHL/USPS | Ground Return Service (Ezi) (Old) | Yes |
253 | DHL | AnPost Tracked Return | Yes |
254 | DHL | Correos Tracked Return | Yes |
255 | Pitney Bowes | USPS Ground - No Printer Required | Yes |
256 | AnPost | AnPost Print In Store | Yes |
257 | Emirates Post | Emirates Post PUDO | Yes |
258 | Emirates Post | Emirates Post Courier | Yes |
259 | Pitney Bowes | USPS Ground - No Printer Required - West | Yes |
260 | DHL Express | DHL Express Worldwide | Yes |
261 | DHL Express | DHL Express Economy Select | Yes |
262 | DHL Express | DHL Express Economy Select (EU) | Yes |
263 | DHL Express | DHL Express Worldwide (EU) | Yes |
264 | Coll-8 | Coll-8 Drop2shop | Yes |
265 | Pony Express | Pony Express PUDO | Yes |
266 | Pony Express | Pony Express Courier | Yes |
268 | InPost | 24/7 InPost Locker | Shop: Drop off with QR code | Yes |
271 | Royale | Hubbed (AU) | Yes |
272 | Royale | 7-11 TW | Yes |
273 | Pitney Bowes | USPS Ground - Printer Required | Yes |
274 | Pitney Bowes | USPS Ground - Printer Required - West | Yes |
275 | Aramex | USPS Ground V1 | Yes |
276 | DHL Express | DHL Express Worldwide (Invoice) | Yes |
277 | DHL Express | DHL Express Economy Select (Invoice) | Yes |
278 | DHL Express | DHL Express Economy Select (EU) (Invoice) | Yes |
279 | DHL Express | DHL Express Worldwide (EU) (Invoice) | Yes |
280 | Homerr | Homerr PUDO | Yes |
281 | Self Post | Drop Off in Store | No |
282 | Self Post | Self - Post (NI Only) | No |
283 | Waitrose | Waitrose & Partners Drop off: Printer Required | Yes |
284 | John Lewis | John Lewis & Partners Drop Off: Printer Required | Yes |
285 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (Use QR Code, no printer needed) | Yes |
286 | Aramex | Australia Post Tracked Returns | Yes |
287 | Aramex | Aramex (AE) - Drop Off | Yes |
288 | Aramex | Aramex (AE) - Collection | Yes |
289 | Aramex | Aramex (SA) - Drop off | Yes |
290 | Aramex | Aramex (SA) - Collection | Yes |
291 | Aramex | Geniki Taxydromiki - Tracked Return | Yes |
292 | Aramex | Taxydromiki - Home Collection | Yes |
293 | Aramex | Australia Post - No Printer Required | Yes |
294 | Aramex | USPS Ground | Yes |
295 | DHL/USPS | USPS Ground | Yes |
296 | DHL/USPS | Priority Mail Return Service | Yes |
297 | DHL/USPS | Ground Return Service (Ezi) | Yes |
298 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Drop Off Print Free (New) | Yes |
299 | Self Post | Premier Housewares Heavy Goods Return | No |
301 | Jersey Post | Jersey Post - Print In Store | Yes |
302 | Post Nord | PostNord Return Drop Off | Yes |
303 | Post Nord | Post Nord Return Home Collection | Yes |
304 | InPost | 24/7 InPost Locker at Tesco: Drop Off with QR Code | Yes |
305 | John Lewis | John Lewis & Partners Drop Off: Printer not Required | Yes |
306 | Returnista | Returnista Home Collection - No Printer Required | Yes |
307 | Evri | Evri: Pick up - Light & Large - Printer Required | Yes |
308 | Mondial | InPost Italy Returns: Drop off at Parcel Points / Lockers | Yes |
309 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (NL) | Yes |
312 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (PT) | Yes |
313 | Evri | Evri: Pick up - Light & Large - Printer Required (W&D) | Yes |
315 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (DE) | Yes |
317 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (DK) | Yes |
318 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (FR) | Yes |
319 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (SE) | Yes |
320 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (ES-IB) | Yes |
321 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (EE) | Yes |
322 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (FI) | Yes |
323 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (LV) | Yes |
324 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (LT) | Yes |
325 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (PT) | Yes |
326 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (PTI) | Yes |
327 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (RO) | Yes |
328 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (CY) | Yes |
329 | DHL Express | DHL Express Domestic | Yes |
330 | Royal Mail | Royal Mail - Parcel Collect | Yes |
331 | InPost | 24/7 InPost Lockers via Sainsburys: Drop Off using QR Code | Yes |
332 | InPost | 24/7 InPost Lockers via Waitrose: Drop Off using QR Code | Yes |
333 | InPost | 24/7 InPost Locker at Morrisons: Drop Off with QR Code | Yes |
334 | InPost | 24/7 InPost Locker at Lidl: Drop Off with QR Code | Yes |
335 | InPost | 24/7 InPost Lockers via BP: Drop Off using QR Code | Yes |
336 | Collissimo | Colissimo Tracked Return - No Printer Required | Yes |
337 | Omniva consignor | Omniva - Home collection | Yes |
338 | Self Post | Korea Post - Printer required (DOM) | Yes |
339 | Self Post | Korea Post - Printer required (INT) | Yes |
340 | Self Post | Japan Post - Printer required (DOM) | Yes |
341 | Self Post | Japan Post - Printer required (INT) | Yes |
342 | Inpost Italy | 24/7 InPost returns: Drop off at Parcel Locker/Shop | Yes |
343 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Home Collection (New) | Yes |
344 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Drop Off (New) | Yes |
345 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Drop Off (Zone 1) (New) | Yes |
346 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Home Collection (Zone 1) (New) | Yes |
347 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Home Collection (Zone 2) (New) | Yes |
348 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Home Collection (Zone 3) (New) | Yes |
349 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Home Collection (Zone 4) (New) | Yes |
350 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Drop Off (Zone 2) (New) | Yes |
351 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Drop Off (Zone 3) (New) | Yes |
352 | Parcel Point | ParcelPoint Drop Off (Zone 4) (New) | Yes |
353 | Starlinks | Starlinks Home Collection | Yes |
354 | 7 Senders | Seurs (ES) | Yes |
355 | 7 Senders | DPD AT | Yes |
356 | 7 Senders | Post AT | Yes |
357 | 7 Senders | Post Nord (SE) | Yes |
358 | 7 Senders | Celeritas (ES) | Yes |
359 | 7 Senders | Correos (ES) | Yes |
360 | AnPost | AnPost Drop Off | Yes |
361 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return PL (Use QR Code, no printer needed) | Yes |
362 | Inpost Italy | 24/7 InPost returns: Drop off at Parcel Locker/Shop - QR Code | Yes |
363 | Homerr | Homerr PUDO (BE) | Yes |
364 | GLS Denmark | GLS Shop Return | Yes |
365 | Inpost Poland | InPost Poland - Home Collection | Yes |
366 | GLS Germany consignor | GLS Shop Return | Yes |
367 | Royal Mail | Royal Mail - Parcel Collect 24h | Yes |
368 | Pitney Bowes | USPS Ground Pick Up - West | Yes |
369 | Pitney Bowes | USPS Ground Pick Up | Yes |
370 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (GR) | Yes |
371 | Consignor Urbit | Urb-it Return Sustainably | Yes |
373 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return ES (Use QR Code, no printer needed) | Yes |
374 | Fast Way | Parcel Connect Label Less | Yes |
375 | Canada Post | Citilogistics Tracked Return (old) | Yes |
376 | Canada Post | Canada Post Tracked Return - QR Code | Yes |
377 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (FR) - QR Code | Yes |
378 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (BE) - QR Code | Yes |
379 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (ES) - QR Code | Yes |
383 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (NL) - QR Code | Yes |
384 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (PT) - QR Code | Yes |
385 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return SE (Use QR Code, no printer needed) | Yes |
386 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return ES-IB (QR Code) | Yes |
387 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return PT (Use QR Code, no printer needed) | Yes |
388 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return BG (Use Barcode, no printer needed) | Yes |
389 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return BE (Use QR Code, no printer needed) | Yes |
390 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return CZ (Use QR Code, no printer needed) | Yes |
391 | Pitney Bowes | USPS Priority Mail Returns - Printer Required | Yes |
392 | Pitney Bowes | USPS Priority Mail Returns - No Printer Required | Yes |
393 | Consignor Instabox | Instabox Locker Return (DK) | Yes |
394 | Consignor Instabox | Instabox Locker Return (SE) | Yes |
396 | Consignor Instabox | Instabox Locker Return (DE) | Yes |
398 | Consignor Instabox | Instabox Locker Return (NO) | Yes |
401 | Starlinks | Starlinks Drop Off | Yes |
402 | UPS | UPS Direct to Mobile (UK) | Yes |
403 | Consignor Colis Prive | Colis Privé Reverse | Yes |
404 | To You | Home Shopping Delivery Return | Yes |
405 | Pitney Bowes | USPS First Class Mail Returns - Printer Required | Yes |
406 | Pitney Bowes | USPS First Class Mail Returns - No Printer Required | Yes |
407 | AnPost | AnPost Print At Home | Yes |
408 | AnPost | AnPost Home Collection | Yes |
409 | DHL eCommerce | DHL eCommerce NL | Yes |
410 | DHL eCommerce | DHL eCommerce NL - No Printer Required | Yes |
411 | ChronoPost | 2 Shop Retour Europe ES | Yes |
413 | ChronoPost | 2 Shop Retour Europe PT | Yes |
414 | Self Post | Sephora Store Returns | No |
415 | PudoPoint | PUDOpoint Drop Off | Yes |
416 | PudoPoint | PUDOpoint Paperless Return | Yes |
417 | Citilogistics | Citilogistics Tracked Return | Yes |
418 | Self Post | Return to Store - Oxford London | No |
419 | Citilogistics | Citilogistics Tracked Return - QR Code | Yes |
420 | NZPost | NZ Post Economy Tracked Return | Yes |
421 | NZPost | NZ Post Economy Tracked Return Domestic | Yes |
422 | UPS | UPS Direct to Mobile (FR) | Yes |
423 | UPS | UPS Direct to Mobile (DE) | Yes |
424 | UPS | UPS Direct to Mobile (IT) | Yes |
425 | UPS | UPS Direct to Mobile (NL) | Yes |
426 | UPS | UPS Direct to Mobile (PL) | Yes |
427 | GLS Austria | GLS PaketShop & PaketBoxen | Yes |
428 | GLS Austria | GLS PaketShop | Yes |
429 | Self Post | Sephora Returns – Stratford Store | No |
430 | Self Post | Sephora Returns – Manchester Store | No |
431 | Self Post | Sephora Returns – White City Store | No |
432 | nShift Instabee | BudBee Locker Return (FI) | Yes |
433 | nShift Instabee | Budbee Locker Return (NL) | Yes |
434 | DHL Parcel UK | DHL eCommerce UK - Printer Required | Yes |
435 | DHL Parcel UK | DHL eCommerce UK - No Printer Required | Yes |
436 | Alfred | Circle K Returns | Yes |
437 | Self Post | Self-Post Returns (ES) | No |
439 | DPD | DPD (UK) - Printer less | Yes |
440 | Jersey Post | Jersey Post: Drop off - Printer Required | Yes |
441 | Jersey Post | Jersey Post: Drop off - No Printer Required | Yes |
442 | UPS | USPS Ground - Drop off No Printer Required | Yes |
444 | UPS | USPS Ground - Drop off Printer Required - MANGO CA Hub | Yes |
445 | UPS | USPS Ground - Drop off No Printer Required MANGO CA Hub | Yes |
446 | CTT | CTT Expresso Parcel - Printer required | Yes |
447 | CTT | CTT Expresso Parcel - Printer Not Required | Yes |
448 | DHL Connect | DHL Connect Return (MT) | Yes |
450 | Self Post | Sephora Returns – Metrocentre Store | No |
451 | Self Post | Sephora Returns – Trafford Centre Store | No |
452 | Self Post | Sephora Returns – Newcastle Eldon Square Store | No |
453 | Post Nord | FI PostNord Return Drop Off | Yes |
454 | Self Post | Sephora Returns – Bluewater | No |
455 | Self Post | Sephora Returns – Bullring | No |
456 | Self Post | Self-Post Returns (ES) | No |
457 | Mondial | Mondial Relay (LU) - QR Code | Yes |